Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Pronunciation: \pre-ˈstēzh, -ˈstēj\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive

: standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion

2 : commanding position in people's minds

By definition, this word means "I want to look cool in other peoples' eyes."

It seems to be a word that our society continues to chase day after day, week after week...and so on.

The actual status is elusive by nature, and we tend to blame others when we are incapable of reaching it. Yet, we want it so badly, that we inadvertently incorporate it into our daily speak.

"I'm going to party like a rock star!"

"I'm king of the world!"

"That's so 'yesterday'."

We have this need to feel superior to our peers, and yet we want to fit in and 'belong' at the same time.

As humans, we are pack animals, and every pack needs a leader, but the problem one these days wants to be a follower. Followers are not respected, admired, or showered with riches.

But, what are riches by definition? Money? Cars? Mansions?

"Once I get to the prestigious position, all will admire me and respect me."

Well, Paris Hilton has a mansion, and a Bentley and all the newest couture...and is in fact an heiress to the Hilton Hotel chain...and yet, cannot command respect from us, nor her peers.

And yet, when we fall short of this, and find that our prestige isn't exactly A) Attainable, or B) What we thought it'd be, we tend to play the Blame Game.

Here's what I'm getting at...we all fight and struggle to get on top of what we always imagined to be the pinnacle of success. Whether it be the CEO of a company, or the star of a movie, but sometimes those things don't happen the way we planned on them to.

Take me for example. Big dreamer. Told everyone from the time I was 15 that I was going to be a huge actor, and fought through doubters, haters, and hecklers to get to where I am today. Yet, where am I today? Where I am is a place that I have decided has done exactly what it set out to do. Teach me lessons. Lessons in love. Lessons in success. Lessons in drive, ambition, and power.

I cannot point my finger at everyone around me and say "YOU'RE THE REASON I'M NOT MORE FAMOUS THAN TOM CRUISE!!!", because they are not the reason. No one can destroy you, but you.

And, sometimes, just sometimes...the lessons learned...are greater than the riches that would have come from said success.

There are two topics I wanted to destroy in this blog: Blaming others for our failings, and the idiotic way we all - ALL - want some sort of prestige nowadays.

Sometimes it's not in our cards to get exactly what we want, and the trees roots grow in a different direction than we thought they were going to, and therefore we have to adjust our plan, because if the roots changed, that means the limbs of the tree will grow in a different direction as well. In other words...things rarely ever go according to plan. So, we change with them. We adjust our strategy, and we figure out an alternate route to attack what we call life.

I myself, want a modest, yet comfortable life. I want things that go inside my house, that no one will ever see, and that make me feel nice. I don't care what others think of me, and I don't care if life keeps handing me lemons...I will continue to make lemonade.

Lastly, I don't care about being admired. I do care about being respected.

Respect is something we forget about all the time. We confuse it for admiration, and that has gone way out of control. There was a man that worked in my highschool as a janitor, and he had been there for over 30 years when I was there. Every teacher, every principal, and most parents respected this man. He got Christmas gifts, candy, birthday gifts...from all the people. For his hard work, his diligent life, and his respect for all those around him. This commanded respect from those that surrounded him.

But, he wasn't famous. He didn't make a lot of money. He didn't even drive a nice car. But, he was admired...through respect.

Be good at what you do. Don't make too many waves, and stay passionate about life. Above all, remember that the reason we used to want nice things...was to share them with someone you love, and not be in a mansion, alone, full of disrespect, empty hearts, and broken promises.

Be true to the true nature of Life, and life will reward you with riches beyond all measure.

Now, I need to go wash my Bentley before I leave, I've got dinner at Katsuya with Kate Hudson to discuss A-Rod's future with the New York Yankees.

King of All,


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