Thursday, March 4, 2010

Puff Puff, Sip Sip...

I shall begin this journey of excellence with a remembrance of the good old days. When men were men, and smoked cigars, wore a suit every day, and drank whiskey with only an ice cube or two in it to bring out the woody notes.

This was a simpler time. A time where businesses would allow people to smoke inside, and airplanes didn't make fat people buy an extra seat in fear of making the person next to them feel uncomfortable.

Now, the people that smoke, bitch about their rights being taken away, but they don't stand up for themselves. The candy assed few that do bitch to the government hold all the cards, because they're being assertive. The same group of people that try and ban Harry Potter from schools, make said fat people buy that extra seat, prohibit so much that everyone feels infringed upon, but still just complain and do nothing to take back their rights.

Time and time again I see on Facebook, "I was jogging today, and ran past a smoker and was disgusted." "I came out of the restaurant and there were a group of smokers out there, how pathetic. I complained to the management." But, half the time these sentences are spelled wrong, or written by morons, or a person of size (politically correct for calling someone fat) So, you want to take THEIR right to smoke anywhere away from them, but if you're fat, and someone were to force you to buy an extra seat on a plane, you'd take that as a slap to the face! Which, you taking the cigarette from their mouth, is no different that the flight crew taking the Krispy Kreme Doughnut from your mouth and the airline calling you a fatty.

I mean, for fuck's sake, if I wanted to, I could say that anyone that was ugly should be forced to stay indoors until the sun goes down. Or idiots that can't spell shouldn't be allowed to use the internet. How about...fucktards that are completely stupid have to have a tattoo on their forehead that says "IDIOT" so that you know EXACTLY what you're getting into when you approach a conversation with them? Is that going to far? Am I stepping on your toes?

Times were simpler when you had to fly and said "I had to sit next to a fat guy the whole flight." But, guess what, your life went on, and you were none the lesser of a person. It didn't fuck up your "End Game" of life, and those tiny wisps of smoke do nothing more than pass in the wind.

If it's SOOOO harmful, explain why our grandparents and great grandparents were built so rugged, and lived into their 90's, and we'll be dying off in our 70's? Because we're not strong anymore, that's why.

Cigars, Scotch, Whiskey, Cursing, Martinis, Love, Fucking, and LIVING are the staples of my life.

People that scream "Smoke is harmful, and I will not stand for my children breathing it in!"

Well, guess what pussy? Fires have smoke too. You going to sue the forest for each time we have a fire in L.A. and your kid is breathing in that smoke? How about when you take your little candy-ass-in-the-making camping? Huh? You going to sue the campfire when he breathes that in? How about the house that's on fire down the street? get the point.

It's ALL OF OUR PLANET!! The stinky fucker at Ralph's that smells like armpit isn't pleasant to stand behind, but I'm not going to have him kicked out of the store. If you're too skinny to carry me out of the plane if it were to crash, I'm not going to tell the pilot..."I'm not too comfortable with Olive Oil over there being next to the emergency exit."

Our grandparents went through a great depression, 2 huge wars, and still drank and smoked to their hearts content. Their quality of life was BETTER, because they loved their cigarette/cigar. They loved their booze. They wore suits while standing in a soup line to get something to eat, and smoked a cigarette while waiting.

We bitch, complain, and whine and moan...that's it...nothing more.

Fucking hell...they even had "No Cussing Week" in L.A.!!! GET FUCKED!!!! Freedom of Speech? Heard of it? [WEBSITE]:

So, be a man, be a strong man. Drink your scotch. Smoke your cigar. STAND UP AGAINST THOSE THAT SAY YOU CAN'T!!!

After all of that....I need a fucking drink.

One love,

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