Friday, November 18, 2011

You Think I Can Get This Necronomicon To Blow Me?

The creation of that, which is vulgar, has existed LONG before I came around to rape your eyeballs. Yes, the idea of the black sheep of society being the outcast has been laid out throughout history. But, we are not focusing on your sodomized retinas. No. Today, we speak simply of death.

Specifically speaking, THIS kind of death:

Or, more truthfully, this kind of friendship. You see, death is inevitable, and with an Atheist approach to life, you know that this is your one shot. Your one blown nut at showing the world what you're capable of. Of making one solid best friend. Of being the best human you can possibly be, before ultimately, you're a cold corpse...and empty shell...lying in front of someone (you hopefully love) that is at a loss for though, but overwhelmed with emotion.

You see, if you streamline your beliefs as Atheists tend to do, you finish having very few things you truly believe in. For example, the biggest things that mean something to me in my life, are as follows: Friendship, Love, Family, Respect, Adventure and Booze. (cigars fit themselves somewhere in there, but...whatever)

These create my belief system.

Throughout my 30 some-odd years on this planet, I have found less than a handful of people that I can thumbtack each one of these monikers upon. One, my best friend, is now on his 20th year as my partner in crime, and he and I could easily exchange places as "either-or" in this video.

Support, and admiration is something that all friends should not fake, and neither of us have ever flubbed that line of the movie. We've been there through it all, and will be there to witness the cold skin of the other. (and the deleting of the porn from his/my hard drive)

The course of life is a fickle one. From the time you are born, you begin to die. You approach the "End Game" with each passing second. Yet, people still refuse to travel in fear of flying. They refuse to be naked in front of someone else with the lights on in fear of "being less-than-perfect" in the eyes. They fear........

They fear.

I do what I wish. I say FUCK! loud and proud. I tug one out when the need arises. I treat ladies like gentlemen, and gentlemen like ladies. I smoke cigars from time to time, and I drink booze when my palate feels the need. (usually around 8:17am)

But, with all of that chaos, and all of that brassness, Atheism...and a slight bit of narcissism...there is a kind hearted, loving, passionate (and compassionate) gentleman that will fight off any zombie apocalypse in your name, if you're willing to accept me as I am.

Death, will come. That's a given. But, the friends you find, and the loving bonds you create, will ultimately define you after you're worm shit.

So, be you. Be the person you wish to be. Then, find some people that love that person, and is willing to fight with you until that last breath. They're a warning...very rare. As I said...I've had a TRUE best friend for 20 plus years, and we look at people that say "This is my best friend...we've known each other for 2 years." as kind of a joke.

But, fight your fight. If your life is better WITH them, than without them...go for it...ask them what they're doing for the rest of their life, and see if that position is filled...because you never know.

Oh..........and always fuck with the lights on.



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