Many years ago, my grandmother saw me chucking walnuts at my brother one afternoon, and said..."I'm taking you to meet someone very important, and that you need in your life." I replied, "Who's that?" and her answer. "God." Mind you, I was very young, and so was my brother, and a sense of religion had not entered my mind at the least. We arrive at a building (church) and she gets out, makes me get out and I say..."Which one is he?" she says "He's not someone you can see or touch, he's all around you, all the time." "Mom told me I'm not allowed to have imaginary friends anymore." "He's not imaginary, He's with us all the time, looking down upon us to make sure we do good with our lives." "So, if he's with us all the time, why did we have to come all the way here for me to meet someone that isn't even here?".....this continued for quite awhile. Even at this young age, I knew there was something shifty about God, Religion, and all that goes with it.
I've touched on this subject before, but I'm bored...and I just watched some guy try to convince Joe Rogan (great comedian, check him out) that Noah's Ark was real. So, it spurred me to write down some thoughts that I've always had plugged into my brain, but rarely share with everyone. So, this will probably piss off quite a few of you, but....I could really give two fucks.
Alright, so here's my theory....mass/organized religion is based on two things...worshipping Jesus Christ, and worshipping the Bible, right? Alright, I have to say, to me...I don't get the whole Jesus Christ thing. It's like this; If God created, the Heavens, the Moon and the Earth, then why worship Jesus? Shouldn't you be worshipping God? When someone sneezes, you don't say..."Jesus Bless you!!" you say, "God Bless you.". Well, most people will argue..."Jesus died for our sins." Well, if God is almighty, then HE is the one that killed him....right?...he orchestrates all that happens, and it's all his divine plan. So, therein, why not worship every guy that dies on a gurney in Iraq (which is fighting for our freedom), and then we bring him back to life with the little electric paddles. Same principle right? Plus, we actually know that this guy in Iraq existed, fought his good fight, and died, and came back.....which brings me to my next point....
The Bible. A book. Am I right? Written by people over 2,000 years ago. Not even Don Rickles was alive that long ago to see that this shit they wrote about was legit. In my eyes, if I wrote a comic book....about, let's say....Wolverine. It's fairly believable. Man suffers through experiments of the government, but then fights for all that is Right, and Good. Alright, so say....for conversation sake....all other books on the planet get burned up in some kind of apocolypse. The only book left is my comic book. In 2,000 years, someone finds this and starts to worship Wolverine. They don't know it didn't happen. They actually love the idea that a super powerful somebody is fighting for them and all they belive in. It's a book......a book. To top it off, the King James version of the book was revised guessed it....King keep his people more in line, and to implement his guidelines upon them. (this is my understanding, you may correct me if you know more about that)
But, what I'm getting there is no solid proof of any of this. Nothing founded, nothing real. Who's to say that Shakespeare didn't write this book? (it's written in prose right?) Who's to say that someone didn't just write a tale of wonderment and it was just that...a tale?
I get the fact that religion gives us a faith that something else is beyond this life, but that is more of a fear of death, than a belief of 'something beyond', and a life of immortality is something that has made millions flock to whatever idea could make it true. (Fountain of Youth)
If you ask a Believer, "Do you think Dogs, Cats, Elephants, Apes, and other living creatures go to Heaven?" They more often than not, say no, and that only Humans have a soul. "Did God create the human genome, DNA, and atoms, molecules and everything microscopic...because there's no mention of it in the Bible?"
You know, to each his own....I have friends from all aspects of religion, and don't hold it over their heads, and I don't judge anyone for any of their beliefs....I, myself, tend to think there's a lot of smoke and mirrors to the 'Good Book'. Adam was made from sand...Eve from the rib of cast out of Eden....and walked into a city..............ummmmmm.....huh? A city? How the fuck did that happen if they were the first people? And don't say...."They were the first perfect people." Well, then were the other people made of sand and ribs?
Hear me out people, if you are afraid of dying...then live more....fuck this...."I'm afraid to sin too much!! What if I don't get into Heaven.".....I've got one for you....."What if there is no Heaven?".....What if you're fucking away all these good years of life on being 'good' and 'honest' and 'pure' and what you're supposed to be doing is getting drunk, having sex, and living life to the fullest? It's a HUGE 'what if' for a lot of you....but, some of the select few out there will get me.
Because, seriously....there's Muslims, and Buddhists, and Catholics, and Christians, and so many're telling me that one is right and all others are wrong? What about, they're all wrong? Who wants to live forever?.....because, if you live clean and pure on the planet, and then there IS a 'forever' are you going to become the absolute opposite because you're going to live forever? Is it a "Be good until you get into Heaven." kind of deal....and then you let loose? Or are you going to be bored out of your fucking mind for an eternity?
Ironically, I get the stigma of being an Atheist, and am told I'm going to Hell (which is cool, because I don't believe in Hell), from a lot of my Christian friends.
Okay, okay....enough....
God Bless you all,
P.S. I wonder if a tree goes to Heaven when it dies?
P.P.S. Actually, come to think of it....I think I saw picture with Don Rickles and Jesus at a bar together once....but, who knows?
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