...and Women are from Venus. We've been hearing that for years now. It was a hit book (for women) to try and get us to understand each other and to make a better meld between the two sexes.
Here's my theory: We're both from fucking Earth, and we've gotta fuck to make babies.
That's it in a nutshell.
Long ago, I had a girlfriend that did everything under the sun to make me love her more. She listened to my music, she bought the same brands of clothing, and she ultimately started learning Italian to try and bring us closer together. Problem is, I didn't like what she had become after doing all these things. I liked who she was BEFORE doing all of this.
This is what brings me to the core topic of this blog: "But, I'm doing all these things for you."
But are you doing the RIGHT THINGS for me?
Listen women, you all have this idea in your head of what we want. Yet, you never listen to what we want.
Overheard in a phone conversation between a husband and a wife: "Wow honey, I had the worst day ever, and I would kill for a beer right now, but there's none in the fridge." "Oh, baby, I'm sorry to hear that, I'll come home and give you a massage."
Now, to a woman, she's going ABOVE AND BEYOND what he wanted, and taking it to someplace better. To the man, she ignored what he truly wanted, and is giving him something he won't turn down (because it could possibly lead to sex), but didn't ask for remotely.
Which brings me to the next portion of this conversation. Men that use the excuse, "Well, she says all the time that she can open doors for herself, and wants to be treated equally, so I don't even make the effort for her." - - - see also: my blog about the lack of gentlemen in this world - -
There's a problem in this world, and it's rooted in thought. Women, say one thing, but want another, men just say what they want. Men, think "Well, if she wanted exactly that, she'd say it." and women think "He says he wants that, but he truly want this."
It's all quite annoying if you get down to the meaty middle of it all.
Here's my experience with this whole miscommunication.
I had a relationship fail, because two people refused to budge on the giving end of things. We played the 'pointing fingers' game at whom was to blame, but in the end, it was both of our faults. We failed to give into the "I have to see things for what they are, and without me giving this one thing (no matter what relationship it may be) it will end in a bad way."
Women and men alike have began to treat relationships like a cellphone. They carry the one they have around, because they thought it was the coolest, slickest model they could find. Until, of course you're walking through the mall and see someone elses cellphone and think "Ahhhh, they have one much cooler than mine! I need to check into getting an upgrade."
Then, you no longer see your phone (still talking about relationships people, bear with me), you see it as 'old and out of date'. When, sadly, the cellphone company does not make the ULTIMATE PHONE!! Each one is missing a detail. No video, no Memo Pad, no Camera, no....what have you. Because, if they created the ultimate phone...there would be no need to upgrade ever again, and then all these companies would go out of business.
In our consumerist mentality, we treat relationships like that. At the smallest loss of the spark, people don't try and reignite it like our parents and grandparents did...they start looking for an upgrade. This is why you hear of people having 3 or 4 marriages before they're 40. People treat marriage as dating now.
Can you remember as a child, how our parents used to joke about Liza Minnelli and the fact that she was on her 4th husband? Now, it's so commonplace, that it is no longer shocking.
We are different people, but love is something you have to work for, and with this "Women are from Venus" bullshit, women have began to think that they're from such a different planet than men, that men no longer want to put forth the effort to show them we're from the same planet.
And, in such, we will no longer see in our generation the 50 Year Anniversary of the Smith's. You'll have 10, 5 Year Anniversary's. We'll find ourselves single in our 50's and wondering why none of our relationships worked out.
We're not evolving any longer. To evolve means to move forward with our race. (the human race) We're devolving.
It's not about whether or not you go out and buy flowers, candy, and a card everyday, it's about understanding, compromise, and compassion.
Don't try and read each other like a book. Because, you'll just finish trying to 'read between the lines' and that'll finish badly. Don't think that we're from different worlds, or you'll never have the "Lady and the Tramp" mentality of being able to find love anywhere, with anyone.
In 200 years, you'll be in Manhattan and ask someone where they're from and they'll say "Earth". But, at the rate we're going, we won't want to fuck, we won't want to love, and we won't want to be much of anything.....why?....because we won't "be".
Men, open doors, give flowers, and listen to her stories, and treat her like a Queen.
Women, listen to the simplest of things, make him feel masculine, and treat him like a King.
Because, as it stands, we're all Earthlings, and without each other, we may very well be the next Endangered Species.
- Johnny
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