As I sit here in my bed after a filling meal, and watching a couple of movies with my family on this Christmas Day, I can only think of one word to sum up the way I feel at the moment, and that is: Appreciative.
The older I get, the more I realize that family, in all aspects of the word, is a valuable piece to the puzzle that makes up our lives. Now, I'm not speaking of just "Mother, Father, Sister, Brother" type family. I'm speaking of the sum of all of it's parts. Friends make up a vast amount of my family. Surrogate families also have played a major role in the creation of whom I am. So many times we overlook the true value in the bonds that make us strong. A person comes into your life, and they teach us valuable lessons, some good, some bad, but there is always a lesson to be learned. A memorable friend (whether that memory be happy or not) is always of value to me. The ones that take a piece of you away, those are not worth keeping around, but they also teach us to not go giving our hearts away to just anyone.
I see so many families that are in disarray, and chaos, over the most trivial of situations, and I stand looking in from outside their proverbial window, and I see a family that has all of the necessary components to have a strong bond, but the most miniscule thing is tearing them apart. Then you see families that have the world falling down around their ears, and they stay strong, they stay passionate, and they stay involved, because they know that the machine only works as well as the strength of each part.
I have a best friend that just had a baby. He has a beautiful wife, and an amazing home. He has a job that I think is incredible. It requires intelligence, skill, and patience. I admire this man for creating what I see as a beautiful family. Things don't always go his way, but he fights, and he struggles to keep that "family" as strong as possible. It takes hard work, and effort, and a lot of times I'm the only one that sees the efforts that he puts forth, but I remind him always that I do see them, and that I admire him for maintaining the strength, and the verve to keep what he has, stable, happy, and secure. That is family.
Family is the tears. Family is hugs. Family is fear of losing them. Family is more than a picture on a wall. Family is the idea that when you are falling down, you need them close to keep you strong. Family is the person that you need a hug from when you feel blue. Family is the person you call when you just want to make sure they're okay and safe. Family is the person you fight hard for in life, as to not let them down. But, above all, family is what makes you become a better person, for them being in your life.
I have shed many a tear for family. Tears of joy. Tears of sorrow. Tears of loneliness when they're not close, and tears of pain when I feel I've wronged them in some way. But, I've never been ashamed of those tears. Without those tears, I wouldn't know I care, and neither would they. A tear is a warm and wet way of showing how passionately you feel for the people that touch your life.
So, as I sit here on Christmas Day, I place my hand on my heart, and say "Thank you." to all of my family for loving me as I am. I am chaos. I am complex. I am strong, but I am fragile.
But, best of all, YOU are my family. I love you all.
Thank you Xander for being my newest inspiration for being a better family member. I will fight for you to keep your future family strong, safe, happy, and well loved. You are the bundle of joy that I consider the best gift of all in my 2011. Thank you Erin for being such a devoted and loving mother. Thank you Josh for being my brother, my best friend, and a man that I look up to and admire. You set the standard on what a man should be. And, most of all, thank you all for letting me be a part of that family.
There are a few more members of my family that I could mention, but that would just make me rattle on and on, and get more long winded and mooshy, and we don't want that.
Stay happy world. We all bleed. We all cry. We all have the ability to love, rather than hate.
Choose love.
Happy Christmas, 2011 to all, and to all a good night.
Merrily yours,
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Merry Christmas....or am I wrong in saying that?
In remembrance of an event that happened a few years ago, that still brews a fiery pit into my gut, I present to you two examples of things that annoy me to no end, and then my rant on why it is anti-happy to even think in this manner, and creates a world of gloom and darkness of which we are forced to live within.
I present to you Example A:
Seattle airport removes Christmas trees
Sun Dec 10, 6:33 PM ET
All nine Christmas trees have been removed from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport instead of adding a giant Jewish menorah to the holiday display as a rabbi had requested.
Maintenance workers boxed up the trees during the graveyard shift early Saturday, when airport bosses believed few people would notice.
"We decided to take the trees down because we didn't want to be exclusive," said airport spokeswoman Terri-Ann Betancourt. "We're trying to be thoughtful and respectful, and will review policies after the first of the year."
Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky, who made his request weeks ago, said he was appalled by the decision. He had hired a lawyer and threatened to sue if the Port of Seattle didn't add the menorah next to the trees, which had been festooned with red ribbons and bows.
"Everyone should have their spirit of the holiday. For many people the trees are the spirit of the holidays, and adding a menorah adds light to the season," said Bogomilsky, who works at Chabad Lubavitch, a Jewish education foundation headquartered in Seattle's University District.
After consulting with lawyers, port staff believed that adding the menorah would have required adding symbols for other religions and cultures in the Northwest. The holidays are the busiest season at the airport, Betancourt said, and staff didn't have time to play cultural anthropologists.
Hanukkah begins this Friday at sundown.
"They've darkened the hall instead of turning the lights up," said his lawyer, Harvey Grad. "There is a concern here that the Jewish community will be portrayed as the Grinch."
And my personal favorite...those bastards....Example B:
McDonald's Removes Beef Flavoring from their French Fries
Sleeping With the Enemy
by Jeff Nelson
Wed, Dec. 11, 2002
LOS ANGELES -- Many people know that McDonald's was successfully sued in a class action by a group of vegetarians. The vegetarian plaintiffs alleged the burger chain concealed the presence of beef product in what McDonald's had represented as being meat-free French fries. As part of the settlement, McDonald's made a public apology and agreed to pay $10 million to various groups representing the class, including $6 million to "vegetarian organizations."
Now, for my tyrade!
It's gone too far, is basically the bottom line. Before long we're going to have people boycotting the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center. There will no longer be a Christmas Spirit during the Holidays due to everyone being afraid to 'offend' or to 'step on toes'.
You know what, yeah, it's the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. No longer are we brave, because we are scared of Terrorists, and of the Media Hype of every Bird Flu, SARS, or if we happen to see a powdery white substance on an envelope. So, that leaves The Land of the Free. Freedom? We have more rules in this country than any other country I have ever been in. We can't drink until we're 21, and yet most of the guys overseas fighting are younger than 21. We can vote for the next President at 18, but we couldn't drink champagne if the one we voted for wins.
Now, we do have freedom of choice, and this is where I'm going with this. If you don't like the way a place serves food, don't go there. If you don't like the burgers...don't order them...if the fries taste like meat...DON'T ORDER THEM!!!...go somewhere else. Too long have we let 1 or 2 people determine what the rest of the public does. 1 woman is the reason that all coffee cups say..."Caution Contents Hot!"....
"No's coffee."
Yet, one lawsuit and BAM!! we've got a new label.
I'm so sick of one person standing up for some bullshit cause and the rest of us sitting back on our haunches and complaining about the outcome. "I hate the fact that McDonald's changed the taste of their fries." They didn't change them very willingly...they were sued by Vegetarians, and no one else stood up to say..."Fuck them, let them go someplace else."...and so with no opposing voices...they changed them.
Same with Christmas. Wal-Mart seems to be the only Amercian Company (again, i hate using the word American to describe the United States, but it's how companies are described here) with enough balls to say "Merry Christmas!" when you walk through the door. You know what, if you're Jewish, and you have someone say "Merry Christmas!" and you say..."I'm Jewish!" what do they normally reply?..."Oh, well then Happy Hanukkah!", it's that simple. If a country is based on Christian beliefs, then let it be. I'm an Atheist, and I love Christmas. I love seeing Santa (created by Coca-Cola, who stole it from St. Nicholas from Turkey or possibly Finland), I love seeing Christmas Trees (beginning as far back as 1510 in Northern Germany), and so, being that we've taken these traditions from all around the world, and piled them into one of the ONLY United States traditions, you'd think no one would have a problem with it. WRONG!! Apparently people get pissed that their religion or cult isn't getting enough P.R. and throw a temper tantrum. So, anytime they can sue someone and say..."You're playing favorites!", they do so. Fuck them....fuck them all!! I don't fly over to Jerusalem to put up a damn Christmas tree, and if I did, I wouldn't tell them they were wrong for not doing so. It's my thing, from my, what gives me the right....or the audacity, to say they should all change for me?
I could go on and on about this, but it's just so evident that we're all turning into pussies. Our parents all protested a war, had sit-ins, had picket lines, and did a lot of drugs to protest in their generation (okay, the drugs had nothing to do with it....but, they did it anyhow), and somewhere along the lines of us becoming so self involved we forgot how to band together to stand up for what we believe in. We couldn't take a page from their book? We couldn't learn to be more progressive? I don't want to change anyone's religion, no more than I want them to shove their religion down my troat (that's a little Guinea for you's), but I also don't want to live in a land with no Christmas Spirit, because we're all afraid to hurt someones feelings.
Yes, you could argue that we're all banding together with the Occupy Wall Street shenanigans, but that's a money issue. That's about distribution of funds and when money is involved, people will do close to anything. (watch any episode of Fear Factor) I'm talking about us banding together for Freedom. For happiness of the masses, not the "I won my argument." of a few.
Your God comes in many forms. So does happiness. To me, happiness used to be Christmas, it's bleak.....and cold.
Do we really want our children to grow up and have no Christmas Spirit, and to honestly have to ask us what happened when they see pictures from when we were kids?
I don't want to live in a country where the only thing we can call our own is the 4th of July. And, that's celebrating our Independence, so I'm sure that'll piss someone off some day.
I'm a firm believer in standing up for your rights. Standing up for what you believe in, and what makes you proud, but I also believe that you can't take away culture from countries, or you will finish with a dry, soul-less environment.
The Land of the Sued, and the Home of the Weak......doesn't sound good to me......
Find happiness in the environment you live in, and you will live a happy life. Constantly seek out the negative in it, and your destined for anger, resentment, and a heartless outcome.
I may not believe in Christianity, but I do believe in Love, Happiness, Togetherness, and Holiday Spirit. A time when everyone (used to...pre-Black Friday) is a little kinder, a little happier, and is a little more willing to go out of their way to make someone else happy, just to make them feel joyous.
Regardless of my views...I do wish you all a Merry Christmas. And, even though it's a Christian Calendar, I do wish you all a Happy New Year. Why? Because I care. If you're my friend, I love you, and I want you to be happy. That's fucking why.
Now, go, eat...DRINK...and beat Mary....I merry.
Always with a fistful,
I present to you Example A:
Seattle airport removes Christmas trees
Sun Dec 10, 6:33 PM ET
All nine Christmas trees have been removed from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport instead of adding a giant Jewish menorah to the holiday display as a rabbi had requested.
Maintenance workers boxed up the trees during the graveyard shift early Saturday, when airport bosses believed few people would notice.
"We decided to take the trees down because we didn't want to be exclusive," said airport spokeswoman Terri-Ann Betancourt. "We're trying to be thoughtful and respectful, and will review policies after the first of the year."
Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky, who made his request weeks ago, said he was appalled by the decision. He had hired a lawyer and threatened to sue if the Port of Seattle didn't add the menorah next to the trees, which had been festooned with red ribbons and bows.
"Everyone should have their spirit of the holiday. For many people the trees are the spirit of the holidays, and adding a menorah adds light to the season," said Bogomilsky, who works at Chabad Lubavitch, a Jewish education foundation headquartered in Seattle's University District.
After consulting with lawyers, port staff believed that adding the menorah would have required adding symbols for other religions and cultures in the Northwest. The holidays are the busiest season at the airport, Betancourt said, and staff didn't have time to play cultural anthropologists.
Hanukkah begins this Friday at sundown.
"They've darkened the hall instead of turning the lights up," said his lawyer, Harvey Grad. "There is a concern here that the Jewish community will be portrayed as the Grinch."
And my personal favorite...those bastards....Example B:
McDonald's Removes Beef Flavoring from their French Fries
Sleeping With the Enemy
by Jeff Nelson
Wed, Dec. 11, 2002
LOS ANGELES -- Many people know that McDonald's was successfully sued in a class action by a group of vegetarians. The vegetarian plaintiffs alleged the burger chain concealed the presence of beef product in what McDonald's had represented as being meat-free French fries. As part of the settlement, McDonald's made a public apology and agreed to pay $10 million to various groups representing the class, including $6 million to "vegetarian organizations."
Now, for my tyrade!
It's gone too far, is basically the bottom line. Before long we're going to have people boycotting the Christmas Tree in Rockefeller Center. There will no longer be a Christmas Spirit during the Holidays due to everyone being afraid to 'offend' or to 'step on toes'.
You know what, yeah, it's the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. No longer are we brave, because we are scared of Terrorists, and of the Media Hype of every Bird Flu, SARS, or if we happen to see a powdery white substance on an envelope. So, that leaves The Land of the Free. Freedom? We have more rules in this country than any other country I have ever been in. We can't drink until we're 21, and yet most of the guys overseas fighting are younger than 21. We can vote for the next President at 18, but we couldn't drink champagne if the one we voted for wins.
Now, we do have freedom of choice, and this is where I'm going with this. If you don't like the way a place serves food, don't go there. If you don't like the burgers...don't order them...if the fries taste like meat...DON'T ORDER THEM!!!...go somewhere else. Too long have we let 1 or 2 people determine what the rest of the public does. 1 woman is the reason that all coffee cups say..."Caution Contents Hot!"....
"No's coffee."
Yet, one lawsuit and BAM!! we've got a new label.
I'm so sick of one person standing up for some bullshit cause and the rest of us sitting back on our haunches and complaining about the outcome. "I hate the fact that McDonald's changed the taste of their fries." They didn't change them very willingly...they were sued by Vegetarians, and no one else stood up to say..."Fuck them, let them go someplace else."...and so with no opposing voices...they changed them.
Same with Christmas. Wal-Mart seems to be the only Amercian Company (again, i hate using the word American to describe the United States, but it's how companies are described here) with enough balls to say "Merry Christmas!" when you walk through the door. You know what, if you're Jewish, and you have someone say "Merry Christmas!" and you say..."I'm Jewish!" what do they normally reply?..."Oh, well then Happy Hanukkah!", it's that simple. If a country is based on Christian beliefs, then let it be. I'm an Atheist, and I love Christmas. I love seeing Santa (created by Coca-Cola, who stole it from St. Nicholas from Turkey or possibly Finland), I love seeing Christmas Trees (beginning as far back as 1510 in Northern Germany), and so, being that we've taken these traditions from all around the world, and piled them into one of the ONLY United States traditions, you'd think no one would have a problem with it. WRONG!! Apparently people get pissed that their religion or cult isn't getting enough P.R. and throw a temper tantrum. So, anytime they can sue someone and say..."You're playing favorites!", they do so. Fuck them....fuck them all!! I don't fly over to Jerusalem to put up a damn Christmas tree, and if I did, I wouldn't tell them they were wrong for not doing so. It's my thing, from my, what gives me the right....or the audacity, to say they should all change for me?
I could go on and on about this, but it's just so evident that we're all turning into pussies. Our parents all protested a war, had sit-ins, had picket lines, and did a lot of drugs to protest in their generation (okay, the drugs had nothing to do with it....but, they did it anyhow), and somewhere along the lines of us becoming so self involved we forgot how to band together to stand up for what we believe in. We couldn't take a page from their book? We couldn't learn to be more progressive? I don't want to change anyone's religion, no more than I want them to shove their religion down my troat (that's a little Guinea for you's), but I also don't want to live in a land with no Christmas Spirit, because we're all afraid to hurt someones feelings.
Yes, you could argue that we're all banding together with the Occupy Wall Street shenanigans, but that's a money issue. That's about distribution of funds and when money is involved, people will do close to anything. (watch any episode of Fear Factor) I'm talking about us banding together for Freedom. For happiness of the masses, not the "I won my argument." of a few.
Your God comes in many forms. So does happiness. To me, happiness used to be Christmas, it's bleak.....and cold.
Do we really want our children to grow up and have no Christmas Spirit, and to honestly have to ask us what happened when they see pictures from when we were kids?
I don't want to live in a country where the only thing we can call our own is the 4th of July. And, that's celebrating our Independence, so I'm sure that'll piss someone off some day.
I'm a firm believer in standing up for your rights. Standing up for what you believe in, and what makes you proud, but I also believe that you can't take away culture from countries, or you will finish with a dry, soul-less environment.
The Land of the Sued, and the Home of the Weak......doesn't sound good to me......
Find happiness in the environment you live in, and you will live a happy life. Constantly seek out the negative in it, and your destined for anger, resentment, and a heartless outcome.
I may not believe in Christianity, but I do believe in Love, Happiness, Togetherness, and Holiday Spirit. A time when everyone (used to...pre-Black Friday) is a little kinder, a little happier, and is a little more willing to go out of their way to make someone else happy, just to make them feel joyous.
Regardless of my views...I do wish you all a Merry Christmas. And, even though it's a Christian Calendar, I do wish you all a Happy New Year. Why? Because I care. If you're my friend, I love you, and I want you to be happy. That's fucking why.
Now, go, eat...DRINK...and beat Mary....I merry.
Always with a fistful,
Friday, November 18, 2011
You Think I Can Get This Necronomicon To Blow Me?
The creation of that, which is vulgar, has existed LONG before I came around to rape your eyeballs. Yes, the idea of the black sheep of society being the outcast has been laid out throughout history. But, we are not focusing on your sodomized retinas. No. Today, we speak simply of death.
Specifically speaking, THIS kind of death:
Or, more truthfully, this kind of friendship. You see, death is inevitable, and with an Atheist approach to life, you know that this is your one shot. Your one blown nut at showing the world what you're capable of. Of making one solid best friend. Of being the best human you can possibly be, before ultimately, you're a cold corpse...and empty shell...lying in front of someone (you hopefully love) that is at a loss for though, but overwhelmed with emotion.
You see, if you streamline your beliefs as Atheists tend to do, you finish having very few things you truly believe in. For example, the biggest things that mean something to me in my life, are as follows: Friendship, Love, Family, Respect, Adventure and Booze. (cigars fit themselves somewhere in there, but...whatever)
These create my belief system.
Throughout my 30 some-odd years on this planet, I have found less than a handful of people that I can thumbtack each one of these monikers upon. One, my best friend, is now on his 20th year as my partner in crime, and he and I could easily exchange places as "either-or" in this video.
Support, and admiration is something that all friends should not fake, and neither of us have ever flubbed that line of the movie. We've been there through it all, and will be there to witness the cold skin of the other. (and the deleting of the porn from his/my hard drive)
The course of life is a fickle one. From the time you are born, you begin to die. You approach the "End Game" with each passing second. Yet, people still refuse to travel in fear of flying. They refuse to be naked in front of someone else with the lights on in fear of "being less-than-perfect" in the eyes. They fear........
They fear.
I do what I wish. I say FUCK! loud and proud. I tug one out when the need arises. I treat ladies like gentlemen, and gentlemen like ladies. I smoke cigars from time to time, and I drink booze when my palate feels the need. (usually around 8:17am)
But, with all of that chaos, and all of that brassness, Atheism...and a slight bit of narcissism...there is a kind hearted, loving, passionate (and compassionate) gentleman that will fight off any zombie apocalypse in your name, if you're willing to accept me as I am.
Death, will come. That's a given. But, the friends you find, and the loving bonds you create, will ultimately define you after you're worm shit.
So, be you. Be the person you wish to be. Then, find some people that love that person, and is willing to fight with you until that last breath. They're a warning...very rare. As I said...I've had a TRUE best friend for 20 plus years, and we look at people that say "This is my best friend...we've known each other for 2 years." as kind of a joke.
But, fight your fight. If your life is better WITH them, than without them...go for it...ask them what they're doing for the rest of their life, and see if that position is filled...because you never know.
Oh..........and always fuck with the lights on.
Specifically speaking, THIS kind of death:
Or, more truthfully, this kind of friendship. You see, death is inevitable, and with an Atheist approach to life, you know that this is your one shot. Your one blown nut at showing the world what you're capable of. Of making one solid best friend. Of being the best human you can possibly be, before ultimately, you're a cold corpse...and empty shell...lying in front of someone (you hopefully love) that is at a loss for though, but overwhelmed with emotion.
You see, if you streamline your beliefs as Atheists tend to do, you finish having very few things you truly believe in. For example, the biggest things that mean something to me in my life, are as follows: Friendship, Love, Family, Respect, Adventure and Booze. (cigars fit themselves somewhere in there, but...whatever)
These create my belief system.
Throughout my 30 some-odd years on this planet, I have found less than a handful of people that I can thumbtack each one of these monikers upon. One, my best friend, is now on his 20th year as my partner in crime, and he and I could easily exchange places as "either-or" in this video.
Support, and admiration is something that all friends should not fake, and neither of us have ever flubbed that line of the movie. We've been there through it all, and will be there to witness the cold skin of the other. (and the deleting of the porn from his/my hard drive)
The course of life is a fickle one. From the time you are born, you begin to die. You approach the "End Game" with each passing second. Yet, people still refuse to travel in fear of flying. They refuse to be naked in front of someone else with the lights on in fear of "being less-than-perfect" in the eyes. They fear........
They fear.
I do what I wish. I say FUCK! loud and proud. I tug one out when the need arises. I treat ladies like gentlemen, and gentlemen like ladies. I smoke cigars from time to time, and I drink booze when my palate feels the need. (usually around 8:17am)
But, with all of that chaos, and all of that brassness, Atheism...and a slight bit of narcissism...there is a kind hearted, loving, passionate (and compassionate) gentleman that will fight off any zombie apocalypse in your name, if you're willing to accept me as I am.
Death, will come. That's a given. But, the friends you find, and the loving bonds you create, will ultimately define you after you're worm shit.
So, be you. Be the person you wish to be. Then, find some people that love that person, and is willing to fight with you until that last breath. They're a warning...very rare. As I said...I've had a TRUE best friend for 20 plus years, and we look at people that say "This is my best friend...we've known each other for 2 years." as kind of a joke.
But, fight your fight. If your life is better WITH them, than without them...go for it...ask them what they're doing for the rest of their life, and see if that position is filled...because you never know.
Oh..........and always fuck with the lights on.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I Fucked The Purple Crayon!
My best friend sent me this link today, because he, as an Atheist as well, laughs that such things need to be said, let alone have a video made of it, as much as I do:
I've brought this up before, in previous blogs, but it's so funny to me that these videos even need to be made.
The Atheist point of view, brings a lot of things into perspective when it comes to Humanity. Being angry at another person for existing is purely idiotic. Being angry at another person and thinking they chose to be the way they live, is ignorant beyond all measure. If you think a Book should tell you to hate another human for just existing, then maybe you should put the book down, step away from it, and rethink what humanity is truly about.
For instance, if I walked up to a black man on the street and said "You know, you disgust me! Why would you ever choose to be black?! It's more difficult to deal with in society, you have a checkered history in the world, and things would just be all around easier if you would just choose to be white! I know it'd make me feel more comfortable to be around you, if you were just like me!!" Or, another example, "Why did you choose to be so short?" "I'm a dwarf. I was born this way." "Werrrre you? Or, did you just CHOOSE to be different? You know, if you put your mind to it, and really focus all your energy, you could probably be just like me! Then I wouldn't have to feel awkward about using words like tiny, small, or little in a sentence. You just make me feel strange, because you're....different than me."
Sounds stupid huh? What kind of bumbling fucking idiot would think those things? The same fuckhole that thinks that my gay friends choose to be gay. Fighting for equality is not an easy battle, and yet people still assume that they chose to be "different", even though they get beaten, stigmatized, and even killed for standing proud and being themselves. (sound familiar my Black world? it's because it wasn't too long ago you were fighting this same fight...and on some level...still are)
Look, the queer community is not looking to get equal treatment to be able to pull a fast one over you at the bar and trick you into blowing him. Gay guys and Gals just want to be treated as equals in the eyes of society. Same as Little People, Handicapped, Ethnically Diverse, and so on. If an alien invasion were to rain down on our heads, it would definitely cause a banding of brothers with humanity, but it's not fucking likely that's happening soon, so how about we just get over ourselves, and start banding together know...just in case.
Here's an abrasive part of me, that unless you know me, sets some people off. I use the "N" Word with my Black friends, the "M" Word with my Little friends, and the "F" Word with my Gay friends. You know why? Because, as Hermione Granger (J.K. Rowling) said in Harry Potter: "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." I don't use such harsh words outside of said conversations, nor do I use such ugly words as descriptions, but within the right confines, it is important to destroy these words with laughter, and intelligence, so that they no longer hold power in our society. Therefore, you ridicule that word, demean it, not the people it's attached to, and eventually it will hold no meaning.
The more we fight each other, the more hate exists, and the more hate exists, the more horrible our world becomes. I like all women...Asian, Black, White, Indian, and yes...if there were Purple Broads, I'd probably want to fuck them too. You know why? Hot is hot. A woman is a woman, and I'm attracted to chicks and would HATE if someone decided that that was a bad thing. "You can only date blue eyed, black haired women that are white!" "What the fuck are you even talking about?" "I feel awkward seeing you with other ethnicities, and therefore me and 3 other people of like minds passed a law before you knew what was going on, to ban people like you from making me feel strange when I go to a restaurant." "Go fuck yourself."
We exist on this planet for one exist.
Our actions should define us, not the color of our skin, our sexual orientation, the fact we're fat, or short or mostly anything physical. (i say 'mostly', because if you have a tattoo of a swastika on your face, then you've pretty much made up my mind on whether or not to hang out with you)
I, personally, like to paint with multiple colors. I like to watch different genres of movies. I like to use COLORFUL words like fuck, cunt, and picklepenis. I like scotch, but sometimes I feel like vodka, or rum, or beer, and sometimes wine. Do you see what I'm getting at? Diversity. Diversity exists because "Safe" to some, is just "Boring" to others. The ocean is wet, because that's just how it is. We can't change that, so we just accept it for face value. I just want to do away with everyone needing a Month to raise awareness of Equality. If we were all open minded, free spirited, and well educated on one another, then we could get on with what really matters...
Fucking each other until we're all one color.
Passionately yours,
I've brought this up before, in previous blogs, but it's so funny to me that these videos even need to be made.
The Atheist point of view, brings a lot of things into perspective when it comes to Humanity. Being angry at another person for existing is purely idiotic. Being angry at another person and thinking they chose to be the way they live, is ignorant beyond all measure. If you think a Book should tell you to hate another human for just existing, then maybe you should put the book down, step away from it, and rethink what humanity is truly about.
For instance, if I walked up to a black man on the street and said "You know, you disgust me! Why would you ever choose to be black?! It's more difficult to deal with in society, you have a checkered history in the world, and things would just be all around easier if you would just choose to be white! I know it'd make me feel more comfortable to be around you, if you were just like me!!" Or, another example, "Why did you choose to be so short?" "I'm a dwarf. I was born this way." "Werrrre you? Or, did you just CHOOSE to be different? You know, if you put your mind to it, and really focus all your energy, you could probably be just like me! Then I wouldn't have to feel awkward about using words like tiny, small, or little in a sentence. You just make me feel strange, because you're....different than me."
Sounds stupid huh? What kind of bumbling fucking idiot would think those things? The same fuckhole that thinks that my gay friends choose to be gay. Fighting for equality is not an easy battle, and yet people still assume that they chose to be "different", even though they get beaten, stigmatized, and even killed for standing proud and being themselves. (sound familiar my Black world? it's because it wasn't too long ago you were fighting this same fight...and on some level...still are)
Look, the queer community is not looking to get equal treatment to be able to pull a fast one over you at the bar and trick you into blowing him. Gay guys and Gals just want to be treated as equals in the eyes of society. Same as Little People, Handicapped, Ethnically Diverse, and so on. If an alien invasion were to rain down on our heads, it would definitely cause a banding of brothers with humanity, but it's not fucking likely that's happening soon, so how about we just get over ourselves, and start banding together know...just in case.
Here's an abrasive part of me, that unless you know me, sets some people off. I use the "N" Word with my Black friends, the "M" Word with my Little friends, and the "F" Word with my Gay friends. You know why? Because, as Hermione Granger (J.K. Rowling) said in Harry Potter: "Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." I don't use such harsh words outside of said conversations, nor do I use such ugly words as descriptions, but within the right confines, it is important to destroy these words with laughter, and intelligence, so that they no longer hold power in our society. Therefore, you ridicule that word, demean it, not the people it's attached to, and eventually it will hold no meaning.
The more we fight each other, the more hate exists, and the more hate exists, the more horrible our world becomes. I like all women...Asian, Black, White, Indian, and yes...if there were Purple Broads, I'd probably want to fuck them too. You know why? Hot is hot. A woman is a woman, and I'm attracted to chicks and would HATE if someone decided that that was a bad thing. "You can only date blue eyed, black haired women that are white!" "What the fuck are you even talking about?" "I feel awkward seeing you with other ethnicities, and therefore me and 3 other people of like minds passed a law before you knew what was going on, to ban people like you from making me feel strange when I go to a restaurant." "Go fuck yourself."
We exist on this planet for one exist.
Our actions should define us, not the color of our skin, our sexual orientation, the fact we're fat, or short or mostly anything physical. (i say 'mostly', because if you have a tattoo of a swastika on your face, then you've pretty much made up my mind on whether or not to hang out with you)
I, personally, like to paint with multiple colors. I like to watch different genres of movies. I like to use COLORFUL words like fuck, cunt, and picklepenis. I like scotch, but sometimes I feel like vodka, or rum, or beer, and sometimes wine. Do you see what I'm getting at? Diversity. Diversity exists because "Safe" to some, is just "Boring" to others. The ocean is wet, because that's just how it is. We can't change that, so we just accept it for face value. I just want to do away with everyone needing a Month to raise awareness of Equality. If we were all open minded, free spirited, and well educated on one another, then we could get on with what really matters...
Fucking each other until we're all one color.
Passionately yours,
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Religion: The New Gas Chamber
This disgusts me:
As many of you know, I am a die hard lover of humanity. Whether you be poor, rich, tall, short, ugly (to an extent), or beautiful, and even religious, within reason...I will call you my friend. But, this is where I show my fangs. This is where I pound my chest and bellow to the world that I am an Atheist, and proud of it. I do NOTHING in the name of anyone (imaginary or not) else, because I am responsible for my own actions.
This little girl was alone in the world. An orphan. She was adopted by a "Good Christian Family", and then, beaten to death "In the name of God".
This type of idiocy just makes me sick to my stomach. This poor little girl would still be alive if she had been left to the orphanage. This family that believes you need to follow a book's rules...a book that is over 2,000 years old mind you, to raise a child.
When will people learn that this is a work of fiction? When will people learn that what men wrote about thousands of years ago, have no place in humanity any longer. Should we stone people to death? Should we set fire to witches? Should we beat our children to death for misbehaving?
Look, it's like this: "If a man has an invisible friend, he's insane. If millions of men have an invisible friend, it's religion."
I don't mind having Believer friends. I don't. If that is what you choose, then we can agree to disagree. I don't run around shoving Atheistic views down everyone elses throats, but I do draw the line at this fucktardery.
I believe that we as humans have one shot at this "Humanity" thing. We're born, and we start dying from that very moment. Like a blade of grass, or a tree, or any other living entity. Each things that grows...each thing that takes in oxygen, and pushes out carbon dioxide is "alive" in my book. We're a part of this food chain, and we have to know our position in it. So, if we let idiotic thoughts, beliefs, ideas, or what-have-you rule our existence, then we are destined to be replaced as the Superior Race (that's human race) on this planet. Why? Because we kill each other in the name of religion. At home. In a war. In the work place. As a serial killer. All because you don't believe in something, the way you want me to believe in it. Why can't you just love a human, because he/she is human? Why can't you just accept mortality, and live this life you were given, and know that there is no castle in the sky?
This sweet, innocent little girl didn't have to die. People don't have to buy a book about "Spare the rod, Spoil the child.". No, we all have choices to make, and we can all choose empathy, or humanity, or whatever makes you see that your fellow human is in a battle to stay alive as long as possible, the same as you. Just don't make their life shorter, over your idiotic beliefs.
You know how you have that one friend, or family member that embarrasses you at a party by getting too drunk, and doing idiotic shit? You know how you don't want to be associated with that person at that time? Well, if an alien race showed up to this planet, and saw that the majority of our wars, and deaths and assassinations are in the name of invisible entities that no one has any proof of...You are my embarrassing Uncle Lou.
This kind of action can be solved with one word. NOT an interpretation of this word. Not "your idea" of the word...just one word...
That word is:
Love your fellow humans. Imagine them stripped of all religion, societal ideology, and all fault. Imagine them label-less and nondescript. You have a weak and vulnerable human. Susceptible to death at the most simple of action. Now, just love them. Protect them. Nurture them. Keep them alive as long as you can. Religion isn't needed for that.
Just love.
Don't let ideas destroy us. Don't let ideas separate us. Don't let ideas create hate, because I don't conform to your idea.
Just don't.
As many of you know, I am a die hard lover of humanity. Whether you be poor, rich, tall, short, ugly (to an extent), or beautiful, and even religious, within reason...I will call you my friend. But, this is where I show my fangs. This is where I pound my chest and bellow to the world that I am an Atheist, and proud of it. I do NOTHING in the name of anyone (imaginary or not) else, because I am responsible for my own actions.
This little girl was alone in the world. An orphan. She was adopted by a "Good Christian Family", and then, beaten to death "In the name of God".
This type of idiocy just makes me sick to my stomach. This poor little girl would still be alive if she had been left to the orphanage. This family that believes you need to follow a book's rules...a book that is over 2,000 years old mind you, to raise a child.
When will people learn that this is a work of fiction? When will people learn that what men wrote about thousands of years ago, have no place in humanity any longer. Should we stone people to death? Should we set fire to witches? Should we beat our children to death for misbehaving?
Look, it's like this: "If a man has an invisible friend, he's insane. If millions of men have an invisible friend, it's religion."
I don't mind having Believer friends. I don't. If that is what you choose, then we can agree to disagree. I don't run around shoving Atheistic views down everyone elses throats, but I do draw the line at this fucktardery.
I believe that we as humans have one shot at this "Humanity" thing. We're born, and we start dying from that very moment. Like a blade of grass, or a tree, or any other living entity. Each things that grows...each thing that takes in oxygen, and pushes out carbon dioxide is "alive" in my book. We're a part of this food chain, and we have to know our position in it. So, if we let idiotic thoughts, beliefs, ideas, or what-have-you rule our existence, then we are destined to be replaced as the Superior Race (that's human race) on this planet. Why? Because we kill each other in the name of religion. At home. In a war. In the work place. As a serial killer. All because you don't believe in something, the way you want me to believe in it. Why can't you just love a human, because he/she is human? Why can't you just accept mortality, and live this life you were given, and know that there is no castle in the sky?
This sweet, innocent little girl didn't have to die. People don't have to buy a book about "Spare the rod, Spoil the child.". No, we all have choices to make, and we can all choose empathy, or humanity, or whatever makes you see that your fellow human is in a battle to stay alive as long as possible, the same as you. Just don't make their life shorter, over your idiotic beliefs.
You know how you have that one friend, or family member that embarrasses you at a party by getting too drunk, and doing idiotic shit? You know how you don't want to be associated with that person at that time? Well, if an alien race showed up to this planet, and saw that the majority of our wars, and deaths and assassinations are in the name of invisible entities that no one has any proof of...You are my embarrassing Uncle Lou.
This kind of action can be solved with one word. NOT an interpretation of this word. Not "your idea" of the word...just one word...
That word is:
Love your fellow humans. Imagine them stripped of all religion, societal ideology, and all fault. Imagine them label-less and nondescript. You have a weak and vulnerable human. Susceptible to death at the most simple of action. Now, just love them. Protect them. Nurture them. Keep them alive as long as you can. Religion isn't needed for that.
Just love.
Don't let ideas destroy us. Don't let ideas separate us. Don't let ideas create hate, because I don't conform to your idea.
Just don't.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
To Tame This Savage Beast...
Growing up, (or at least my attempt to), I was never really good at musical instruments. I "played" the drums, but it was more of a rhythmic beating than me mastering an instrument. I had friends that were all great at music, but, none hold a candle to the company I keep now.
Throughout the years, I've realized the power of music. From meditation, to preparing for a night out, music is a vital part of my life. I have always admired and respected those that could create it. For instance, you can go watch a movie that takes hundreds, if not thousands of people to create it, or you can sit and listen to Mishka pluck away at his guitar and be completely engulfed in every word, of every note, to the point of being hypnotized.
Another example, is my avid fascination with friends that play the piano. One friend in particular always amazes me. The repertoire of music he has in his head makes him a one man party anywhere a piano resides. From jazz, to funk, to classical...he's got it. I admire that. But, it goes one step further. He can create a mood for a movie by creating it's score. He can tear at your heartstrings by singing a ballad of a broken heart, and accompanying it with a solemn tune.
An actor can write a script, act out the monologue, and create a tear jerking scene, but you can't necessarily do that to get pumped for a night out in Vegas, or to drown your sorrows of a recent breakup. Not to mention, what kind of fool would you be, if you were at a party, and saw a camera and just started acting in front of it? No, nothing compares to the creation, expression, and mere necessity of music.
I keep myself engulfed in music. From the time I wake up, throughout my day, until I go to sleep. I search for it, I listen to it in films, and I ask friends about it all the time. Rarely do I listen to the radio, because that is a medium telling me what music I should listen to. If a song that is there, is something I would like, I will eventually stumble upon it in one of my searches.
Music does soothe the savage beast, but it can also spark a fire, (ask anyone that has set a mood in a bedroom with Barry White, House Music, or Hip Hop).
So, to all of my musical friends out there. I tip my hat to you. You keep this world doing pirouettes, skipping to a happy tune, and pumping out that extra rep in the gym. Without your talents, this world would be a little more intolerable, and a whole lot more dry.
Keep up the good work,
Throughout the years, I've realized the power of music. From meditation, to preparing for a night out, music is a vital part of my life. I have always admired and respected those that could create it. For instance, you can go watch a movie that takes hundreds, if not thousands of people to create it, or you can sit and listen to Mishka pluck away at his guitar and be completely engulfed in every word, of every note, to the point of being hypnotized.
Another example, is my avid fascination with friends that play the piano. One friend in particular always amazes me. The repertoire of music he has in his head makes him a one man party anywhere a piano resides. From jazz, to funk, to classical...he's got it. I admire that. But, it goes one step further. He can create a mood for a movie by creating it's score. He can tear at your heartstrings by singing a ballad of a broken heart, and accompanying it with a solemn tune.
An actor can write a script, act out the monologue, and create a tear jerking scene, but you can't necessarily do that to get pumped for a night out in Vegas, or to drown your sorrows of a recent breakup. Not to mention, what kind of fool would you be, if you were at a party, and saw a camera and just started acting in front of it? No, nothing compares to the creation, expression, and mere necessity of music.
I keep myself engulfed in music. From the time I wake up, throughout my day, until I go to sleep. I search for it, I listen to it in films, and I ask friends about it all the time. Rarely do I listen to the radio, because that is a medium telling me what music I should listen to. If a song that is there, is something I would like, I will eventually stumble upon it in one of my searches.
Music does soothe the savage beast, but it can also spark a fire, (ask anyone that has set a mood in a bedroom with Barry White, House Music, or Hip Hop).
So, to all of my musical friends out there. I tip my hat to you. You keep this world doing pirouettes, skipping to a happy tune, and pumping out that extra rep in the gym. Without your talents, this world would be a little more intolerable, and a whole lot more dry.
Keep up the good work,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Defining That, of Which We Call Knuckles....
As previously stated, I like to be big. Not "big" in the sense of, say, needing to buy an extra seat on a United Flight, but "big" in the sense of personality, life, and actions.
Here's the reasoning behind my madness;
In my youth, I kept my head down, walked softly, and made little waves. I was bullied, talked down to, and generally just pushed around by life. I watched movies with guys that stood up for themselves, and others, and envied them, as well as admired them. They were the Superheroes of the real world. Men like John McClane of Die Hard. He was an average guy, that under pressure, became a super human. He couldn't fly. He couldn't turn invisible, but he had something inside him that made him want to save his wife, and other innocent people, because they needed it.
These "other" people are average, non-heroic, Keep Your Head Down people. They were me. I was the one being rescued, but that's not what I wanted to be. I wanted to be the guy saying "Yippee Ki Yay Motherfucker!"
So, I looked deep down inside myself, and I pulled up the whimpering, weak, timid heart that I had, and shook the living fuck out of it....
On a sidenote, it helps that I'm an Atheist at times. You see, a lot of people believe that this is just our earthbound self. They believe in eternity, and going to Heaven, and an afterlife. I don't. So, I believe this is our one shot at being the best ME that I can be. Which, helped in the creation of what you see (read) in front of you.
Back to my Boring Ass Story...
I shook the living FUCK out of myself, and said "Time to nut up, or Shut up!", and started doing little things day in, and day out, that were not typically things I would do. Standing up to people started off as a little mumble under my breath, that usually followed by a "What?" from the other person. But, in true John McClane fashion, the mumbles eventually became words, the words became sentences, and the nerves became steadied. Resulting in a defiant, strong, and stable conversation.
After learning that I could create an individual that I thought was exactly what I wanted. I no longer looked to movies for inspiration, but in turn, started looking inward. I wanted to create, in my mind, the best Johnny that I could. My own personal super human.
I had always thought intellect was a profound thing, and so I studied. I studied things that "I" wanted to study. Not for school. Not for classes. For me. Things that I wanted to know. Things that I wanted to be educated on, so that if and and when it ever came up in conversation, I'd be well versed on the subject. I'd sit in the library for hours, just reading books on the biological makeup of humans, Genghis Khan, British Parliament, Shakespeare, Religion, and a vast amount of other topics. I guess, in a way, it was a movie figure that inspired this after all, because I had envisioned how James Bond held peoples attention in conversations with knowledge of a certain topic.
Then, I realized I wanted to create. I wanted to leave behind something that was a part of me. I was a horrible artist when it came to drawing (i tried it), and painting. So, I joined Drama in high school. I was still coming into my own, and so I did Stage Craft, to just be involved. But, what was to become of that one simple move, would help mold the person I am today. I saw something in those tiny little plays that made my heart swell with a light that could illuminate the midnight sky. Acting. It painted a picture with words, with movement, with gestures, with history, love and passion!! It was a legacy waiting to happen.
But, what was to happen next, became even more obvious to the creation of me. You see, as in true "me" fashion, I became enthralled with acting and theatre. So, as it was, I spent more time reading about it. The history of theatre. The creation what acting is today. All things that piqued my interest, I would find in a book. And, then, at the same time, I started realizing something. These...words...they also paint a picture. Certain words had more weight, more vigor, more passion, than others. Certain phrases were rebellious. Certain stories were more powerful than others.
Thus, began my voyage into using these words in everyday life. People would be shocked, which interested me, by some things I'd say. It was a response to "words". I could say "Fuck." and catch an irritated look from an old woman. I could say "cunt", and garner a reply from people standing around me. And, so I began creating another part of my personality that I love...freedom of speech.
As I've said before, if you have a canvas (that is Life), and you have paint (that is words), why would you only paint in black and white? Wouldn't you want to use as many colorful words to paint the picture you desire?
A simple sentence, "Wow that movie was great.", becomes a powerful, rough, and brass sentence with "Wow that movie was fucking great." with a little more color.
I am now, the man that I wanted to be. I drink what I want, even though I didn't even start drinking until I was 22 (by choice), because I like to. I don't need to, I do it, because it is a part of the person I love to be. I write what I want. I say what I want. I do as I want. My actions my have controversial outcomes sometimes, but they are a direct result of me wanting to do what I wanted at the time, and therefor I regret nothing in doing so.
So, I smoke cigars, drink booze, swear, workout, eat right, study life, people watch, look at porn, and dissect humanity for what it is. I also stand up for the weak voiced, the silent walking, and bullied Average Joe. I created a man that is confident, articulate, intelligent, and passionate, and the benefit of that, is that I fear no confrontation, because there are only two outcomes to any situation, I will win, or I will lose, and either way, I am okay with either one. All, because, I believe that it helps me better understand myself. People are constantly searching for "themselves", but what they don't understand, is we get this one life...and instead of searching, they should be creating.
We are what we are, because of what we do. Don't let the world define you, because you can define yourself. If it feels right, do it. If it helps make you feel like "you", do it. Because, at the end of this road, there's death...and on that day, you'll want to look back and say, "I was the best me, I could be."
So, no longer do I need John McClane to be my guiding light. No longer do I need James Bond to tell me a martini is a classy drink.
Nope, I don't need any of those guys, because they're fictional, and I'm real. I'm a living, breathing super hero. I don't rescue kittens. I don't fly to burning rooftops and whisk grannies to safety...nope...I save myself, and those I love, from the mundane, and boring...I save myself from being weak, sad, and average. I still bleed. I will still die. But, I will die with the knowledge, that I conquered this cunt we call Life.
With all of that said...
Go fuck yourself...
Here's the reasoning behind my madness;
In my youth, I kept my head down, walked softly, and made little waves. I was bullied, talked down to, and generally just pushed around by life. I watched movies with guys that stood up for themselves, and others, and envied them, as well as admired them. They were the Superheroes of the real world. Men like John McClane of Die Hard. He was an average guy, that under pressure, became a super human. He couldn't fly. He couldn't turn invisible, but he had something inside him that made him want to save his wife, and other innocent people, because they needed it.
These "other" people are average, non-heroic, Keep Your Head Down people. They were me. I was the one being rescued, but that's not what I wanted to be. I wanted to be the guy saying "Yippee Ki Yay Motherfucker!"
So, I looked deep down inside myself, and I pulled up the whimpering, weak, timid heart that I had, and shook the living fuck out of it....
On a sidenote, it helps that I'm an Atheist at times. You see, a lot of people believe that this is just our earthbound self. They believe in eternity, and going to Heaven, and an afterlife. I don't. So, I believe this is our one shot at being the best ME that I can be. Which, helped in the creation of what you see (read) in front of you.
Back to my Boring Ass Story...
I shook the living FUCK out of myself, and said "Time to nut up, or Shut up!", and started doing little things day in, and day out, that were not typically things I would do. Standing up to people started off as a little mumble under my breath, that usually followed by a "What?" from the other person. But, in true John McClane fashion, the mumbles eventually became words, the words became sentences, and the nerves became steadied. Resulting in a defiant, strong, and stable conversation.
After learning that I could create an individual that I thought was exactly what I wanted. I no longer looked to movies for inspiration, but in turn, started looking inward. I wanted to create, in my mind, the best Johnny that I could. My own personal super human.
I had always thought intellect was a profound thing, and so I studied. I studied things that "I" wanted to study. Not for school. Not for classes. For me. Things that I wanted to know. Things that I wanted to be educated on, so that if and and when it ever came up in conversation, I'd be well versed on the subject. I'd sit in the library for hours, just reading books on the biological makeup of humans, Genghis Khan, British Parliament, Shakespeare, Religion, and a vast amount of other topics. I guess, in a way, it was a movie figure that inspired this after all, because I had envisioned how James Bond held peoples attention in conversations with knowledge of a certain topic.
Then, I realized I wanted to create. I wanted to leave behind something that was a part of me. I was a horrible artist when it came to drawing (i tried it), and painting. So, I joined Drama in high school. I was still coming into my own, and so I did Stage Craft, to just be involved. But, what was to become of that one simple move, would help mold the person I am today. I saw something in those tiny little plays that made my heart swell with a light that could illuminate the midnight sky. Acting. It painted a picture with words, with movement, with gestures, with history, love and passion!! It was a legacy waiting to happen.
But, what was to happen next, became even more obvious to the creation of me. You see, as in true "me" fashion, I became enthralled with acting and theatre. So, as it was, I spent more time reading about it. The history of theatre. The creation what acting is today. All things that piqued my interest, I would find in a book. And, then, at the same time, I started realizing something. These...words...they also paint a picture. Certain words had more weight, more vigor, more passion, than others. Certain phrases were rebellious. Certain stories were more powerful than others.
Thus, began my voyage into using these words in everyday life. People would be shocked, which interested me, by some things I'd say. It was a response to "words". I could say "Fuck." and catch an irritated look from an old woman. I could say "cunt", and garner a reply from people standing around me. And, so I began creating another part of my personality that I love...freedom of speech.
As I've said before, if you have a canvas (that is Life), and you have paint (that is words), why would you only paint in black and white? Wouldn't you want to use as many colorful words to paint the picture you desire?
A simple sentence, "Wow that movie was great.", becomes a powerful, rough, and brass sentence with "Wow that movie was fucking great." with a little more color.
I am now, the man that I wanted to be. I drink what I want, even though I didn't even start drinking until I was 22 (by choice), because I like to. I don't need to, I do it, because it is a part of the person I love to be. I write what I want. I say what I want. I do as I want. My actions my have controversial outcomes sometimes, but they are a direct result of me wanting to do what I wanted at the time, and therefor I regret nothing in doing so.
So, I smoke cigars, drink booze, swear, workout, eat right, study life, people watch, look at porn, and dissect humanity for what it is. I also stand up for the weak voiced, the silent walking, and bullied Average Joe. I created a man that is confident, articulate, intelligent, and passionate, and the benefit of that, is that I fear no confrontation, because there are only two outcomes to any situation, I will win, or I will lose, and either way, I am okay with either one. All, because, I believe that it helps me better understand myself. People are constantly searching for "themselves", but what they don't understand, is we get this one life...and instead of searching, they should be creating.
We are what we are, because of what we do. Don't let the world define you, because you can define yourself. If it feels right, do it. If it helps make you feel like "you", do it. Because, at the end of this road, there's death...and on that day, you'll want to look back and say, "I was the best me, I could be."
So, no longer do I need John McClane to be my guiding light. No longer do I need James Bond to tell me a martini is a classy drink.
Nope, I don't need any of those guys, because they're fictional, and I'm real. I'm a living, breathing super hero. I don't rescue kittens. I don't fly to burning rooftops and whisk grannies to safety...nope...I save myself, and those I love, from the mundane, and boring...I save myself from being weak, sad, and average. I still bleed. I will still die. But, I will die with the knowledge, that I conquered this cunt we call Life.
With all of that said...
Go fuck yourself...
definition of life,
The Creation of All That is Me Part 1
The inner make up of a man, is multifaceted. It's all a combination of actions, and results. How he carries himself throughout life, determines the end result, and ultimately how he is remembered. I try and live life large. Bigger than the average man, or what I consider the average man at least.
This includes the satisfaction of a select few friends. They equal no more than the fingers on my right hand, but they are the ones that I go above-and-beyond to insure their happiness on this planet, and in turn, insures mine as well.
One friend in particular is the subject of the first part of my "The Foundation of Me".
Throughout my time on this marble we call a planet, I've learned that you can't conquer it alone. You need an equal partnership. It can be a wife that you truly love (or husband, as the case may be), a best friend, and on the rarest of occasion, a parent.
I myself, have been blessed with a best friend.
I'm not talking about a teenager "BFF". I'm speaking of the real deal. The friend of 20 years that when people see us hang out, it's obvious we've known each other longer than we've not known each other. The kind of friend that people ask "How do I get a best friend like that?"
I'll tell you one thing, it's not easy. You have to have the perfect storm of factors. Things like; The ability to keep a secret, seeing eye-to-eye on 90% of life, willing to make efforts that are out of your comfort zone, and generally making their life a major priority of yours.
I have tried to put into words, on numerous occasions, the true nature of my friendship. I usually come up short, or finish saying something like..."I don't know, it just works."
But, I'll say this, you feel a lot better knowing that no matter what comes your way, there's two of you to attack it, and not just one. So, everything is a little less frightening. You have someone to complain to about the most mundane of things. You have someone to ask advice, that is really going to give you the bare bones of it, and not say something they are guessing you want to hear. You have a foundation that helps make you a better you.
Too often in this world, we focus on ourselves, and are selfish is so many ways. With a friend such as this, you want to give to them, what you don't give anyone else in the world, and therefore keep yourself from being overtly selfish, and make a lighter heart, mind and soul in the process.
In everyone's life, comes high times, and low times. Rich times, and poor times. Happiness, and sadness. And, yes, it sounds like a marriage...and in some ways it is...but, it's something you will grow to admire within itself. You respect the actual friendship, as well as the person. You appreciate them for whom they are, and never judge them for what they're not. You have a millions stories to tell all of the outsiders to this friendship, because when opportunity comes, this is the friend you always call upon to share the greatest of adventures.
I can say that I've jumped off cliffs, climbed mountains, hung out with celebrities, got drunk with, and pretty much conquered the planet with, my best friend.
If you don't have one, envy me. If you do have one, you know exactly where I'm coming from. Because, no matter how big my personality is...No matter how often I fuck up, succeed, fall flat, or end up in the hospital...I've got a brick that helps make up the base of that we call Johnny.
I take my hat off to that friend, the man, the soon-to-be father, and I say "Thank you." for helping to create a legacy, of that that is me.
This includes the satisfaction of a select few friends. They equal no more than the fingers on my right hand, but they are the ones that I go above-and-beyond to insure their happiness on this planet, and in turn, insures mine as well.
One friend in particular is the subject of the first part of my "The Foundation of Me".
Throughout my time on this marble we call a planet, I've learned that you can't conquer it alone. You need an equal partnership. It can be a wife that you truly love (or husband, as the case may be), a best friend, and on the rarest of occasion, a parent.
I myself, have been blessed with a best friend.
I'm not talking about a teenager "BFF". I'm speaking of the real deal. The friend of 20 years that when people see us hang out, it's obvious we've known each other longer than we've not known each other. The kind of friend that people ask "How do I get a best friend like that?"
I'll tell you one thing, it's not easy. You have to have the perfect storm of factors. Things like; The ability to keep a secret, seeing eye-to-eye on 90% of life, willing to make efforts that are out of your comfort zone, and generally making their life a major priority of yours.
I have tried to put into words, on numerous occasions, the true nature of my friendship. I usually come up short, or finish saying something like..."I don't know, it just works."
But, I'll say this, you feel a lot better knowing that no matter what comes your way, there's two of you to attack it, and not just one. So, everything is a little less frightening. You have someone to complain to about the most mundane of things. You have someone to ask advice, that is really going to give you the bare bones of it, and not say something they are guessing you want to hear. You have a foundation that helps make you a better you.
Too often in this world, we focus on ourselves, and are selfish is so many ways. With a friend such as this, you want to give to them, what you don't give anyone else in the world, and therefore keep yourself from being overtly selfish, and make a lighter heart, mind and soul in the process.
In everyone's life, comes high times, and low times. Rich times, and poor times. Happiness, and sadness. And, yes, it sounds like a marriage...and in some ways it is...but, it's something you will grow to admire within itself. You respect the actual friendship, as well as the person. You appreciate them for whom they are, and never judge them for what they're not. You have a millions stories to tell all of the outsiders to this friendship, because when opportunity comes, this is the friend you always call upon to share the greatest of adventures.
I can say that I've jumped off cliffs, climbed mountains, hung out with celebrities, got drunk with, and pretty much conquered the planet with, my best friend.
If you don't have one, envy me. If you do have one, you know exactly where I'm coming from. Because, no matter how big my personality is...No matter how often I fuck up, succeed, fall flat, or end up in the hospital...I've got a brick that helps make up the base of that we call Johnny.
I take my hat off to that friend, the man, the soon-to-be father, and I say "Thank you." for helping to create a legacy, of that that is me.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Did that thing just wink at me?!
As you have all undoubtedly noticed, I have my own askewed view on this voyage we like to call Life. I see things through my own tinted shades, and I make up my own rules as I go along. Especially ones that I see aren't working out for the rest of humanity. Tonight, I shall give you another glimpse into the eye that we should all share to view the world in a different angle.
The Brown Eye.
Not to be confused with a pair of brown eyes, connected to a beautiful Mexican woman's skull. No. I'm talking about the asshole. Your Rear Winker. The Corn Cutter. The Pleasant Pipe. (that's a gay one) get the picture.
"Why?" you may ask yet again, would I venture into such uncharted territory?
For love my friends.
In my time in this world, I've met a lot of couples that think they know everything there is to know about each other, only to have their relationship end in shattered bits all over the floor. Then, for months I have to hear "I thought I knew her/him! I thought I knew them inside and out!". That's when I inevitably ask my question that makes everyone squirm a little. "Did you ever see his/her asshole?"
The initial reaction is always "Huh?"
Followed by a pause, and the look on their face of them retracing the steps of the conversation to see if they may have said something that would have led me to that question, or that they may have possibly misheard me.
"Did you ever see their asshole?"
"Why would you ask that?"
"You came to me to lay out your heart and soul, and your woe-is-me problems. Answer the fucking question."
"Sure, I guess. I mean, if we were having sex doggy style, but you never really 'see' it. It's not something you look at directly is it?"
Here's where we get into my psyche.
Why is it not? It's taboo right? It's 'Off Limits'! But, it's connected to the rest of the body. A body that you love above all others. A body that you yourself would have lain in front of a train to protect at any given time. But, you are afraid to know your mate 100%. It's not pleasant to look at, no. Neither are balls, armpits, tongues...but, we know them all very well.
Let's soften it up a little bit. Remember the first time you let one rip in front of the person you were dating? How it was a little embarrassing, but a little freeing at the same time? That feeling like "Okay, finally, we're to THAT stage of comfort in our relationship!". Yet, it nearly ends there. The exploration, and freedom stops there, or with the whole bathroom ordeal altogether.
You set these walls. These limits. These barriers up after that. "He can't see me pee. That's just gross." To me, if I can clean puke off of you after a night out at a club, or I can pick up your snotty Kleenex after you being sick, I can be in the same room as you when you're letting the yellow river flow. Think it's gross? So is farting, IF YOU MAKE IT THAT!!! Think it's a part of human nature? Then, you're probably one step closer to your partner thinking YOU TRULY KNOW THEM 100%!!
Here's the thing; I've met couples where the woman doesn't take off her makeup until the husband goes to sleep, and she gets up before he wakes up, and puts it back on. You know what I call that? A fucking mask! Where is the real you? Because, if I wanted a fucking mannequin I would have bought a fuckdoll, and not married a flesh and blood woman. Same goes for these weak ass men that overhear their boys talking about "...then she reached down and started rubbing her own bean so she'd explode even bigger! It was intense man!", only to hear your friends ask "Hey, fuck knob, does your wife ever do any kinky shit like that?" "Nah, I'd never ask her to. She'd think I was a freak."
If your husband is afraid to ask you to do things, there's a wall up there. You know what the next step is? Him finding a girl that doesn't have that wall, and puts that kinky shit on Front Street. No walls. No barriers. Just crazy, fucked up sex. Then, he'll start feeling like he knows HER more, because she was doing things that he had imagined for years that you wouldn't do. Made a small fish, into a big whale of a problem.
Look, I'm not saying go buy some rubber fist and jam it into each others orifices. I'm saying, if you explore each other, from top to bottom, there will be less to feel blocked out about.
Couples should know one another from head to toe if you truly want to last a lifetime. The human body, is a lumpy, bumpy sack of guts and matter how you shake it. Setting up roadblocks, only creates doubt, and walls in a relationship. Once you can bend over in front of your spouse without thinking "OH SHIT!! DID I JUST WINK MY BROWN EYE AT HIM?!?!?!" you'll feel a lot more at ease in this skin sack we call a body.
If you were given the opportunity to explore Atlantis, wouldn't you be a little curious as to what the bathrooms looked like?
Be free, this body is only temporary anyhow...eventually it'll be soil.
Always yours,
P.S. Aim that thing somewhere else if we're in an elevator together.
The Brown Eye.
Not to be confused with a pair of brown eyes, connected to a beautiful Mexican woman's skull. No. I'm talking about the asshole. Your Rear Winker. The Corn Cutter. The Pleasant Pipe. (that's a gay one) get the picture.
"Why?" you may ask yet again, would I venture into such uncharted territory?
For love my friends.
In my time in this world, I've met a lot of couples that think they know everything there is to know about each other, only to have their relationship end in shattered bits all over the floor. Then, for months I have to hear "I thought I knew her/him! I thought I knew them inside and out!". That's when I inevitably ask my question that makes everyone squirm a little. "Did you ever see his/her asshole?"
The initial reaction is always "Huh?"
Followed by a pause, and the look on their face of them retracing the steps of the conversation to see if they may have said something that would have led me to that question, or that they may have possibly misheard me.
"Did you ever see their asshole?"
"Why would you ask that?"
"You came to me to lay out your heart and soul, and your woe-is-me problems. Answer the fucking question."
"Sure, I guess. I mean, if we were having sex doggy style, but you never really 'see' it. It's not something you look at directly is it?"
Here's where we get into my psyche.
Why is it not? It's taboo right? It's 'Off Limits'! But, it's connected to the rest of the body. A body that you love above all others. A body that you yourself would have lain in front of a train to protect at any given time. But, you are afraid to know your mate 100%. It's not pleasant to look at, no. Neither are balls, armpits, tongues...but, we know them all very well.
Let's soften it up a little bit. Remember the first time you let one rip in front of the person you were dating? How it was a little embarrassing, but a little freeing at the same time? That feeling like "Okay, finally, we're to THAT stage of comfort in our relationship!". Yet, it nearly ends there. The exploration, and freedom stops there, or with the whole bathroom ordeal altogether.
You set these walls. These limits. These barriers up after that. "He can't see me pee. That's just gross." To me, if I can clean puke off of you after a night out at a club, or I can pick up your snotty Kleenex after you being sick, I can be in the same room as you when you're letting the yellow river flow. Think it's gross? So is farting, IF YOU MAKE IT THAT!!! Think it's a part of human nature? Then, you're probably one step closer to your partner thinking YOU TRULY KNOW THEM 100%!!
Here's the thing; I've met couples where the woman doesn't take off her makeup until the husband goes to sleep, and she gets up before he wakes up, and puts it back on. You know what I call that? A fucking mask! Where is the real you? Because, if I wanted a fucking mannequin I would have bought a fuckdoll, and not married a flesh and blood woman. Same goes for these weak ass men that overhear their boys talking about "...then she reached down and started rubbing her own bean so she'd explode even bigger! It was intense man!", only to hear your friends ask "Hey, fuck knob, does your wife ever do any kinky shit like that?" "Nah, I'd never ask her to. She'd think I was a freak."
If your husband is afraid to ask you to do things, there's a wall up there. You know what the next step is? Him finding a girl that doesn't have that wall, and puts that kinky shit on Front Street. No walls. No barriers. Just crazy, fucked up sex. Then, he'll start feeling like he knows HER more, because she was doing things that he had imagined for years that you wouldn't do. Made a small fish, into a big whale of a problem.
Look, I'm not saying go buy some rubber fist and jam it into each others orifices. I'm saying, if you explore each other, from top to bottom, there will be less to feel blocked out about.
Couples should know one another from head to toe if you truly want to last a lifetime. The human body, is a lumpy, bumpy sack of guts and matter how you shake it. Setting up roadblocks, only creates doubt, and walls in a relationship. Once you can bend over in front of your spouse without thinking "OH SHIT!! DID I JUST WINK MY BROWN EYE AT HIM?!?!?!" you'll feel a lot more at ease in this skin sack we call a body.
If you were given the opportunity to explore Atlantis, wouldn't you be a little curious as to what the bathrooms looked like?
Be free, this body is only temporary anyhow...eventually it'll be soil.
Always yours,
P.S. Aim that thing somewhere else if we're in an elevator together.
Monday, May 2, 2011
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Shit!!
"You're live on KROQ miss, what's your question?" "My name is Angela, and my boyfriend that I've been dating for awhile, that I'm truly head over heels for, wants me to convert to Judaism, from Catholicism. I'm not super religious, but I wanted someone's opinion that isn't a part of the situation."
YOU GOT IT BIRD!!! I'm your huckleberry!
From as early as Romeo and Juliette, I've seen problems with "Birds of a feather, don't really flock together.", because, even if you're a bird (human), doesn't mean your feathers are the same color, your beak's the same size, or your shit is white enough. Maybe you like to dump on Hondas, instead of BMW's? Regardless, they're not fucking welcomed in other flocks.
Here you have a man, that sees exactly what he wants. She probably makes him warm and fuzzy, and his heart beat fast, and he wants to do things for her that he never felt for another woman. He wants to cook her dinner every night. He wants to travel the world with JUST her...not her and his friends... He wants to write her poems, and find her favorite flowers and surprise her with them.
He's smitten.
But, there's a problem. He's Jewish, and she's...well...not. Mom and Dad would have a coronary if he brought home a goy female. (non-jewish) Then, if they wrapped their minds around it, how do they explain it to the rest of the family?
Do you see a factor here folks? What is the problem with this scenario? Love, cannot conquer all, because FAITH stands in the way.
Faith: Firm belief in something, for which there is no proof.
Fact: Something that has actual existence.
Religion vs. Love
Here we have two people that could spend an lifetime of pure bliss, and happiness, and romance together, were it not for one simple thing, that people turn into a big thing. People die for both things. People kill for both things. People write books about both things. To me, the only difference is, one is commonly in our presence at all times, and we can see it, and touch it, and kiss it, and hug it...the other we have to have FAITH that it's there. (yes, many will argue that "I can see it. I can touch it. I can..." can shut the fuck up...because, no you fucking can't.
In a world that has less and less gentlemen, this woman found a man that she wants to spend her life with, but doesn't want to be given and ultimatum of "Convert, or there's no way we can be together.". You have a man, that was willing to look past her being goy, to date her, to get to know her, and to fall in love with her, and (from what i can gather) wants to spend the rest of his life with her, and wants them to have the least amount of resistance from his family, and therefore only sees one way he can do that.
Love...true love...people, is hard to find. I mean, REALLY hard to find. When you find it, do whatever it takes to hold on to it. Great things, sometimes require sacrifice. Take my word for it. I'm an Atheist, and 90% of the population isn't. So, I've had to come to grips with the fact that if I don't want to be alone forever, I will have to sacrifice my beliefs from time to time, and pick my battles, to have love. Not one woman I have dated in my past has ever been Atheist. I've been in a couple of incredible relationships, and I'm a believer in Quality over Quantity, and so if you're the kind of person that religion is only 0% to 5% of your life, then that should be something you should be willing to sacrifice for love. If religion is 80 to 90% of your life, then that is obviously something you need to find someone else with the same percentage.
This love thing, is a serious thing. It's necessary for life. Religion is not. If you take away Bibles, Quarans, and Torahs...and you have two on an island, that are deeply and passionately in love, they will be just fine. They will reproduce. They will cuddle. They will kiss. They will fuck in the gritty sand until a jellyfish stings his balls and she has to piss.....wait...I got carried away.
Humanity is a fragile thing. Love, even more so. With the internet, social networking, online dating, texting, and so on taking over the world, a physical and emotional connection is a rare thing. When you find it, hold on to it like a case of the herpes, and don't let it go.
Because, at the end of a bad day, I'd much rather have someone that I sacrificed something to have in my life, greeting me at home with a hug, and a kiss, than an imaginary friend that I have to have faith that he's hugging me.
Plus, Religion never got me laid.
I have faith...that love can.
In closing; Bird, if Religion isn't a big deal to you, nor your family, I'd say do what you have to do for love. Love SHOULD conquer all. If he says it's a deal breaker that you don't...then chalk it up to the Relationship Fairy fucking with you.
But, make sure that whatever you do, no matter how much weight is in it, you do with your whole heart, or you'll always question yourself. Because, you never want to live in the "Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda"'s of life. Make your decision. Make it a sound one. And, genuine....just love.
- - - (i wonder if using the word Love this many times in a blog will get me laid?)
YOU GOT IT BIRD!!! I'm your huckleberry!
From as early as Romeo and Juliette, I've seen problems with "Birds of a feather, don't really flock together.", because, even if you're a bird (human), doesn't mean your feathers are the same color, your beak's the same size, or your shit is white enough. Maybe you like to dump on Hondas, instead of BMW's? Regardless, they're not fucking welcomed in other flocks.
Here you have a man, that sees exactly what he wants. She probably makes him warm and fuzzy, and his heart beat fast, and he wants to do things for her that he never felt for another woman. He wants to cook her dinner every night. He wants to travel the world with JUST her...not her and his friends... He wants to write her poems, and find her favorite flowers and surprise her with them.
He's smitten.
But, there's a problem. He's Jewish, and she's...well...not. Mom and Dad would have a coronary if he brought home a goy female. (non-jewish) Then, if they wrapped their minds around it, how do they explain it to the rest of the family?
Do you see a factor here folks? What is the problem with this scenario? Love, cannot conquer all, because FAITH stands in the way.
Faith: Firm belief in something, for which there is no proof.
Fact: Something that has actual existence.
Religion vs. Love
Here we have two people that could spend an lifetime of pure bliss, and happiness, and romance together, were it not for one simple thing, that people turn into a big thing. People die for both things. People kill for both things. People write books about both things. To me, the only difference is, one is commonly in our presence at all times, and we can see it, and touch it, and kiss it, and hug it...the other we have to have FAITH that it's there. (yes, many will argue that "I can see it. I can touch it. I can..." can shut the fuck up...because, no you fucking can't.
In a world that has less and less gentlemen, this woman found a man that she wants to spend her life with, but doesn't want to be given and ultimatum of "Convert, or there's no way we can be together.". You have a man, that was willing to look past her being goy, to date her, to get to know her, and to fall in love with her, and (from what i can gather) wants to spend the rest of his life with her, and wants them to have the least amount of resistance from his family, and therefore only sees one way he can do that.
Love...true love...people, is hard to find. I mean, REALLY hard to find. When you find it, do whatever it takes to hold on to it. Great things, sometimes require sacrifice. Take my word for it. I'm an Atheist, and 90% of the population isn't. So, I've had to come to grips with the fact that if I don't want to be alone forever, I will have to sacrifice my beliefs from time to time, and pick my battles, to have love. Not one woman I have dated in my past has ever been Atheist. I've been in a couple of incredible relationships, and I'm a believer in Quality over Quantity, and so if you're the kind of person that religion is only 0% to 5% of your life, then that should be something you should be willing to sacrifice for love. If religion is 80 to 90% of your life, then that is obviously something you need to find someone else with the same percentage.
This love thing, is a serious thing. It's necessary for life. Religion is not. If you take away Bibles, Quarans, and Torahs...and you have two on an island, that are deeply and passionately in love, they will be just fine. They will reproduce. They will cuddle. They will kiss. They will fuck in the gritty sand until a jellyfish stings his balls and she has to piss.....wait...I got carried away.
Humanity is a fragile thing. Love, even more so. With the internet, social networking, online dating, texting, and so on taking over the world, a physical and emotional connection is a rare thing. When you find it, hold on to it like a case of the herpes, and don't let it go.
Because, at the end of a bad day, I'd much rather have someone that I sacrificed something to have in my life, greeting me at home with a hug, and a kiss, than an imaginary friend that I have to have faith that he's hugging me.
Plus, Religion never got me laid.
I have faith...that love can.
In closing; Bird, if Religion isn't a big deal to you, nor your family, I'd say do what you have to do for love. Love SHOULD conquer all. If he says it's a deal breaker that you don't...then chalk it up to the Relationship Fairy fucking with you.
But, make sure that whatever you do, no matter how much weight is in it, you do with your whole heart, or you'll always question yourself. Because, you never want to live in the "Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda"'s of life. Make your decision. Make it a sound one. And, genuine....just love.
- - - (i wonder if using the word Love this many times in a blog will get me laid?)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Did you hear about the vows?...
So, as a hard willed man, with a fairly abrasive personality, I also credit myself with having a softer, more romantic side that rarely anyone gets to see, but the woman it's directed to.
I also have an affinity towards RomComs. I love to laugh, I love to see love, and I love the cheesy scenes in them.
One of my favorites of late is "Did You Hear About The Morgans?".
Not only does it ring true of Midlife Relationships, but the wedding vows scene was truly touching.
Here I give you, Paul's (Hugh Grant) vows from the film, that I liked enough to include in my blog:
I promise never to take you for granted,
or utter a word unkind,
Never allow my affections to be recanted or stop marveling at your behind.
To also marvel at your warmth, your wit, your refusal to condone animal slaughter.
Your wisdom, your laugh, your inability to boil water.
To be your best friend for the rest of my life,
and to thank the god you're not sure about,
for fooling you into being my wife.
He included the flaws she had, that makes her unique, along with her Agnostic beliefs that he obviously didn't care about. be completely corny...loved her, for her.
The world could use more of that.
Look forward to a fresh batch of Fuhgettaboutit in the weeks to come.
Carpé díem!!!
- Knuckles
I also have an affinity towards RomComs. I love to laugh, I love to see love, and I love the cheesy scenes in them.
One of my favorites of late is "Did You Hear About The Morgans?".
Not only does it ring true of Midlife Relationships, but the wedding vows scene was truly touching.
Here I give you, Paul's (Hugh Grant) vows from the film, that I liked enough to include in my blog:
I promise never to take you for granted,
or utter a word unkind,
Never allow my affections to be recanted or stop marveling at your behind.
To also marvel at your warmth, your wit, your refusal to condone animal slaughter.
Your wisdom, your laugh, your inability to boil water.
To be your best friend for the rest of my life,
and to thank the god you're not sure about,
for fooling you into being my wife.
He included the flaws she had, that makes her unique, along with her Agnostic beliefs that he obviously didn't care about. be completely corny...loved her, for her.
The world could use more of that.
Look forward to a fresh batch of Fuhgettaboutit in the weeks to come.
Carpé díem!!!
- Knuckles
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The Passion of the Feist....
So, you get a friend request in your Inbox from an old college buddy on Facebook. You exchange pleasantries, and you have the "Remember when...???" moment. Then, you realize a year later, "Hey, Blank hasn't written a word to me in months!" Sounds paltry doesn't it, but...let me vent...
Facebook, twitter, and even e-mail are sitting at your fingertips. They have all shrank the world. They have all enabled the least amount of effort to correspond with one another, and yet, there are many that sit idly by and do nothing.
Apparently text messaging was too difficult. Apparently e-mail took too much time. So, we made the world into 140 characters or less friendships.
"I know that you're alive and well, because I see you updating pictures, and your status. So, why do I have to write you?"
Here's my take on that. Take away the Social Networks. Take away e-mail. Take away text messages. Would you call, or write, or stop by if it required the effort? If not, then you're probably not that good of a friend to begin with. It's a world of Single Serving Friends. It's a world of...given the easiest possible way to communicate, and yet people still make no effort.
I hate hearing "How is so-n-so?" "Good I guess. They're on my Facebook, but I haven't talked to them in months." How is that a friendship? What world do we live in that that's acceptable behavior? Where, little action is necessary, and it's still too much.
I live in a world, that if I care, I reach out. I live in a world, that my actions show you that I am thinking of you, and that I care for your well being, and therefore I make an effort to show you such.
Sadly, the world I live in is not the world that others live in.
As I stated before, we're living in a Single Serving world, and it saddens me. Marriage, Best Friends (real best friends...not this "BFF" bullshit), and lifelong commitments are a thing of the past...or at least they're wounded and are bleeding so bad that they'll be dead soon.
In finishing, if we took away the internet, how much effort would you be willing to make to reconnect with the people that were once in your life?
Maybe this is just me being a sappy fella. Maybe this is me being feisty, and tired of Single Serving Friends to a point of wishing I wasn't the only one putting forth the effort.
Or, maybe I just need a drink, and a fistful of Shut The Fuck Up?!
Either way...
It's my blog. These are my feelings. And, so it's okay.
Facebook, twitter, and even e-mail are sitting at your fingertips. They have all shrank the world. They have all enabled the least amount of effort to correspond with one another, and yet, there are many that sit idly by and do nothing.
Apparently text messaging was too difficult. Apparently e-mail took too much time. So, we made the world into 140 characters or less friendships.
"I know that you're alive and well, because I see you updating pictures, and your status. So, why do I have to write you?"
Here's my take on that. Take away the Social Networks. Take away e-mail. Take away text messages. Would you call, or write, or stop by if it required the effort? If not, then you're probably not that good of a friend to begin with. It's a world of Single Serving Friends. It's a world of...given the easiest possible way to communicate, and yet people still make no effort.
I hate hearing "How is so-n-so?" "Good I guess. They're on my Facebook, but I haven't talked to them in months." How is that a friendship? What world do we live in that that's acceptable behavior? Where, little action is necessary, and it's still too much.
I live in a world, that if I care, I reach out. I live in a world, that my actions show you that I am thinking of you, and that I care for your well being, and therefore I make an effort to show you such.
Sadly, the world I live in is not the world that others live in.
As I stated before, we're living in a Single Serving world, and it saddens me. Marriage, Best Friends (real best friends...not this "BFF" bullshit), and lifelong commitments are a thing of the past...or at least they're wounded and are bleeding so bad that they'll be dead soon.
In finishing, if we took away the internet, how much effort would you be willing to make to reconnect with the people that were once in your life?
Maybe this is just me being a sappy fella. Maybe this is me being feisty, and tired of Single Serving Friends to a point of wishing I wasn't the only one putting forth the effort.
Or, maybe I just need a drink, and a fistful of Shut The Fuck Up?!
Either way...
It's my blog. These are my feelings. And, so it's okay.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
I shall spear you with my raging demon rod!!!
"What's that? Oh...I didn't notice...well, would you happen to have a cock ring in your pocket so I can stab you in the face with my meaty demon spear?"
You may ask, "What in the fuck is he babbling on about now?" Well, I'll tell ya...
It seems that whenever someone begins to tell me at length about how that God has been leading them in the right direction, and their life is more complete with Him in it...and then the inevitable question comes about of "What religion are you? Have you been going to church?" "I'm an Atheist."
And, then, I get THE look. Like I've got a 14 inch throbbing cock that is growing out of my forehead. Like I'm some kind of freak of nature that they now don't know any longer. That I am born of evil, and my presence is now damning them to the fiery depths of Hell!!
Yeah, THAT look.
"What? I never knew that! How can you not believe in God? He is all around you. His miracles are everywhere you look."
In my (and every Atheists) mind, when they ask "How can you not believe in God?", I am asking "How CAN you?"
You see, I wasn't judging you the whole time you were speaking. I was letting you exist in your own little bubble. Believing what you want to believe. Yet, as soon as I spoke of your God not existing...I am a stranger.
Atheists don't go door-to-door trying to get you to not believe in your God. We don't push our belief off on anyone. We don't go to other countries under a false guise of "helping them" only to fix their house, only if they'll let us teach them of our philosophy.
Don't get me wrong. I believe in the idea of what religion was based on. A set of guidelines, that are meant to assist people in being a better community.
Don't kill. Don't rape. Don't fuck your neighbors wife....shit like that. But, aren't these things that any fucking moron could figure out on his own? I mean, I'd LOVE to believe in your God, I would...but, I don't. There's no proof. No science. Nothing, but faith. If I started having faith that my schlong would grow to 18 inches...I'd be the happiest man on the planet. Would it happen? No. But, the faith in it would make me smile.
I think that we Atheists are generally more genial than most other beliefs. Being that we believe that our existence is only that of a blade of grass. We're here. We exist. We grow. We die. Then it enables us to concentrate more of the Here-and-Now more than believing we're going to the mansion in the clouds with a dude that looks like Santa for an eternity. Yes, a blade of grass breathes oxygen. It grows, has energy, and dies if not properly cared for, but if you ask anyone that believes in religion if it's going to Heaven, they'll reply "Of course not. Don't be stupid.". The same answer comes with dogs, cats, or any other animal. "Animals don't have souls."
Wait, aren't we animals? Then, of course...we get into the whole "Book" bullshit....yada yada yada. I get it. You want everyone on the planet to believe in your belief so YOU can get into your Heaven, for being a good believer in your religion. Well, here's what I want when I die.
Dig a hole...grab an acorn...stick it in my belly button...throw me in the hole...cover me with dirt. Go get drunk.
OR....option B: Build a large bed out of sticks, and logs, place me on it, pour gasoline over the whole thing, push me out into the ocean...shoot a flaming arrow at my ass like I'm a fucking viking!...then....Go get drunk.
You see, once I have no more use for this carcass of a body, I want to NOT be stuck in a box, and buried someplace for no purpose. Where's the "Circle of Life" in that? Lame. I've done wayyyy too much cool shit on this planet to not go out like a warrior. This earth has given me some bad ass memories, and I want to give something back to it. How about...the vitamins and nutrients that my body would give a tree? One day, my great grandchildren could walk by and say "Hello Grandpa Johnny!" to an enormous fucking oak tree!!
Bottom line. If me not believing in your God doesn't make me stare at you like a cock is growing out of your forehead each time you mention your God, then stop looking at me that way when I speak my mind.
I'm nice. (mostly) I'm polite. (mostly) I'm a gentleman. (you get the drift)
So, why judge me on what we don't have in common? Why not judge me on the fact I haven't tried to murder you. Or fuck your sister. Why not judge me on the fact I opened the door for your grandma, and made you dinner?
You're born, and you die. We all do. As soon as we're born, we begin dying. So, how about not judging so much on the differences, and start to celebrate the similarities?
Fucking idiots.
One love,
P.S. Jesus was a drunk. Who else would turn water into wine?
You may ask, "What in the fuck is he babbling on about now?" Well, I'll tell ya...
It seems that whenever someone begins to tell me at length about how that God has been leading them in the right direction, and their life is more complete with Him in it...and then the inevitable question comes about of "What religion are you? Have you been going to church?" "I'm an Atheist."
And, then, I get THE look. Like I've got a 14 inch throbbing cock that is growing out of my forehead. Like I'm some kind of freak of nature that they now don't know any longer. That I am born of evil, and my presence is now damning them to the fiery depths of Hell!!
Yeah, THAT look.
"What? I never knew that! How can you not believe in God? He is all around you. His miracles are everywhere you look."
In my (and every Atheists) mind, when they ask "How can you not believe in God?", I am asking "How CAN you?"
You see, I wasn't judging you the whole time you were speaking. I was letting you exist in your own little bubble. Believing what you want to believe. Yet, as soon as I spoke of your God not existing...I am a stranger.
Atheists don't go door-to-door trying to get you to not believe in your God. We don't push our belief off on anyone. We don't go to other countries under a false guise of "helping them" only to fix their house, only if they'll let us teach them of our philosophy.
Don't get me wrong. I believe in the idea of what religion was based on. A set of guidelines, that are meant to assist people in being a better community.
Don't kill. Don't rape. Don't fuck your neighbors wife....shit like that. But, aren't these things that any fucking moron could figure out on his own? I mean, I'd LOVE to believe in your God, I would...but, I don't. There's no proof. No science. Nothing, but faith. If I started having faith that my schlong would grow to 18 inches...I'd be the happiest man on the planet. Would it happen? No. But, the faith in it would make me smile.
I think that we Atheists are generally more genial than most other beliefs. Being that we believe that our existence is only that of a blade of grass. We're here. We exist. We grow. We die. Then it enables us to concentrate more of the Here-and-Now more than believing we're going to the mansion in the clouds with a dude that looks like Santa for an eternity. Yes, a blade of grass breathes oxygen. It grows, has energy, and dies if not properly cared for, but if you ask anyone that believes in religion if it's going to Heaven, they'll reply "Of course not. Don't be stupid.". The same answer comes with dogs, cats, or any other animal. "Animals don't have souls."
Wait, aren't we animals? Then, of course...we get into the whole "Book" bullshit....yada yada yada. I get it. You want everyone on the planet to believe in your belief so YOU can get into your Heaven, for being a good believer in your religion. Well, here's what I want when I die.
Dig a hole...grab an acorn...stick it in my belly button...throw me in the hole...cover me with dirt. Go get drunk.
OR....option B: Build a large bed out of sticks, and logs, place me on it, pour gasoline over the whole thing, push me out into the ocean...shoot a flaming arrow at my ass like I'm a fucking viking!...then....Go get drunk.
You see, once I have no more use for this carcass of a body, I want to NOT be stuck in a box, and buried someplace for no purpose. Where's the "Circle of Life" in that? Lame. I've done wayyyy too much cool shit on this planet to not go out like a warrior. This earth has given me some bad ass memories, and I want to give something back to it. How about...the vitamins and nutrients that my body would give a tree? One day, my great grandchildren could walk by and say "Hello Grandpa Johnny!" to an enormous fucking oak tree!!
Bottom line. If me not believing in your God doesn't make me stare at you like a cock is growing out of your forehead each time you mention your God, then stop looking at me that way when I speak my mind.
I'm nice. (mostly) I'm polite. (mostly) I'm a gentleman. (you get the drift)
So, why judge me on what we don't have in common? Why not judge me on the fact I haven't tried to murder you. Or fuck your sister. Why not judge me on the fact I opened the door for your grandma, and made you dinner?
You're born, and you die. We all do. As soon as we're born, we begin dying. So, how about not judging so much on the differences, and start to celebrate the similarities?
Fucking idiots.
One love,
P.S. Jesus was a drunk. Who else would turn water into wine?
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