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Saturday, December 26, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Is it possible to break your own heart?...
Then comes the acknowledgment of dominance. If you win that race, all the kids think you're cool. Notably because you're faster, but you become known as the 'fast kid' and you feel cool. Sometime, someplace, another kid will challenge you, and beat you. So, it begins. You run harder, practice longer, and break your back trying to get that title back. Not because you're curing cancer, but you want your title back....you want to be cool again.
From the time we get our first "Ego Stroke", it begins. With me, I see it everyday, being that I live in L.A. and am an actor myself. In the bars, at the clubs, even at BBQ's...the first question is 'What do you do?' ultimately with the follow up question 'What have you been in? Anything I'd know?' To the lower level actor, each and every time that question is asked it's like a kick to a bruised nut...it hurts...you've worked...but nothing huge...nothing...'known'. You could bust out a movie and say "There I go......!!!", but then you'd feel dumber than before for being in it so briefly. No, it's best to say you're a fucking janitor or something.....but, all of that is off subject....my true ramblings are about Lost Souls today.
Sometimes, with all the pissing contests existing in this town, you get caught up in the bullshit. You go through times of feeling inadequate, and miniscule. Once an actor has caught the bug, (be it in highschool, college or otherwise), it usually meant that you did some kind of stage performance and had the satisfaction of having that immediate gratification of applause. You felt 'cool' again. It's addicting. You want more, and more, and more....you feel...to use a word for a lack of a better one....accepted. Isn't that ultimately all we all want? That's why we buy the 'cool' clothes. That's why we buy a 'cool' car...beause we want SOMEONE to say, "Cool shirt!! Where'd you get that?" or "Damn that car is cool as hell, I'm still driving last years model."
To me, I see it everywhere. It's just more evident here in L.A. There have been times I have looked in the mirror, and a flash would go off in my head and I'd think "Who the hell is that?"
Growing up poor sucked. Growing up poor in Missouri sucked worse. When one kid would ask me what I got for Christmas, I'd always make up something I'd seen in a commercial on Saturday Morning Cartoons. I knew I didn't get anything, but it was so much easier than explaining why I had nothing.
I remember this one time...prepare for a tear jerker....I was roughly 6 or 7...and my school year was about to start, and I had worn out my old sneakers beyond all repair. (duct tape can only go so far) So, my Mom had to get me a new pair. We couldn't get any, so we went to this place where people would donate things to the poor, and if you were poor, they'd give it to you. Well, we got this pair of sneakers....and I use that word loosely.....because, they were made out of something I would assume was a mix between beef jerky and plywood. I 'think' it was a type of leather, but I can't be sure. To top it all off, they were blue...something of a smurf color (pre-smurfs)...but a bit brighter, and the outside was a little fuzzy, like a velvet painting. The next couple of days I tried my best to break them in, but they were so damned hard that they bruised my ankles on the bottom side from them not giving in. This was bad, because school was starting, and not only did I have neon blue shoes, but I was walking funny because of my bruises.
First day of school comes, and I head out to the school bus in the rain....I am kind of happy because I found a pair of my Dad's socks that were fuzzier than mine, but were quite a bit bigger than I should have had, but the fuzziness let me walk fairly normal with my bruised ankles.
I arrive to school, and walk off the bus and a girl says to me, "Excuse me, but your shoes have dyed your socks." and to my horror, I look down and in the pouring rain notice that my shoes are bleeding....I guess the hard material didn't absorb the neon ink they dipped them in. So, the ink is running down my shoe...soaking into my sock....and creating a kind of blue/brown puddle where I'm standing.....this is right off the bus, so I have every kid staring at me on the way passed. Some laugh, some whisper....most just look at what I'm staring at.
That day, that very day, I didn't stare at my shoes.....but stared at everyone elses. No one else had shoes that bled. No one else suffered that embarrassment.
I did, and I knew I had to do whatever it took to make my life better. The older I got, the more I realized that everyone else had nice things, and I had nothing. Older than that I realized that family means more than material things, but people don't look at you at first glance and say..."My, but that guy seems like he has a good relationship with his mother."
No, they look at your shoes, they look at your job, they look at your shirt, your haircut, your everything....they look at everything but your soul...because, that doesn't matter in this town.
If you're nice, you're weak...if you're a liar, a cheat, and a thief, then you're exactly the person that's going to fit right in.
We all have to play the game. We have to...to an extent....I'm trying my best to not lose myself....trying hard. But, in a town where everyone talks to the guy that just did a piece on CSI, and you're left to get the drinks....it's hard to be true.
Listen, a man once said..."Fake it till you make it.", but that only holds so much weight with me. I love who I am....I love the fact I open doors for everyone...I love the fact I say "Thank you." instead of "Thanks.". I love the fact that I call women 'ladies' and men 'gentlemen'.
There's gotta be something said for a boy that has a country accent and knows more about the New York Yankees than half the city of New York.
I love what I love, and it's because it makes me feel good. But, to be accepted, to be truly loved by all.....that's where we start losing focus.....Plato said: An opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.
This holds true for all those that think I need to be 'cooler' to do this, or to have as many jobs as he's had to be cool. That's your opinion.....
I'm now in my 30's...and I think my sneakers are fine as-is. I think I can run fast enough....and I think I'll be just fine standing here in the rain alone.
So, be proud of who you are...not for who you are to others...but, who you are to yourself. Judge yourself by what you see in the mirror inside your soul...take a good hard look at yourself and determine whether you're doing what you're doing for the right reasons. Do you love yourself, 'as-is'? Go to the gym because you want to be healthy....not because Joe's body is better than yours....read a book, not because it's on the Oprah List, but because it's the genre of book you like to read.
You can truly see how much I give a damn about making others happy right now, or I would've stopped writing ages ago...but, this sets my soul at ease.
I have a mother that I love dearly. She's a hippie that truly loves the earth. I have a father that is like Hank Hill and Boomhower rolled into one. I have a sister that is a know-it-all, and a brother that's a pothead....but you know what?....I love them for who they are...they each love me for who I am. No frills...no bullshit.....just a skinny boy with bruised ankles and blue socks....
It doesn't matter what you wear...it doesn't matter how cool your car is....what matters in the end is happiness. Do what makes you happy. Live with respect in your heart, and a sense of decency to you....and people will remember you for the right things....don't let the world rule you.....
Goodnight all....my heart is heavy....very heavy....but, word by word....blog by blog....I'm freeing it of all of its rubbish.
Love me,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Our Glass....
In a world that is becoming more and more self absorbed, we tend to enjoy 'receiving' more than 'giving'. So, say you're feeling down in the dumps, and you ask someone to "Just hang out for an afternoon.", and that person says "Okay, I'll bring over a bottle of booze, and we'll laugh, play games and have fun." The next day you feel amazing, and you thank the stars for that friend that poured your glass full. It makes you feel cared for, and loved, and most of all...important to someone other than yourself. BUT!!...then months down the road you forget about your funk. You're doing well, and that same friend calls and says "Man, I'm lower than whale shit. You wanna hang out or something?", and you hesitate. "Can I get out of this in some way? I don't want to make the effort to cheer someone else up. I don't want them to drag me down too if I can't make them happy."
It's a sad thing really. I, myself, am that person that everyone calls. I'm happy by default, and have an amazing ability to blow off the annoyances of life, and focus on the positive. My only downfall with that, is I have a tendency to shove the things that DO bother me, deep down inside so that I 'feel' like I have nothing bothering me.
Now, here we have our analogy...my glass is full, and I run to friends in need of a pick-me-up and I put on a little song and dance and fill their glass to the brim. We laugh, we joke, we have fun. Then as time rolls around, and all that repression of negativity (usually twice a year) creeps up on me, there is no one to be found to fill my glass. They're busy. It's just not a good time. I've heard them all.
My glass is empty. No matter how much I hold it in the air, wave it in peoples face, no one seems to notice. So, it is up to me to find a well. No longer am I looking for other people to pour their water into my glass. I want my own private tap that I can run back to get water from whenever I want....so I can pour, pour, pour until I can pour-no-more.
We as a society continue to separate ourselves more and more from a 'pack mentality'. Rarely do I find people with a friend they've had more than 5 years. I've had my bestfriend for 17...and counting. My glass is never bone dry nowadays thanks to him, and maybe one or two other people. But, the old saying of "It takes a village to raise a child." is no longer a way of thinking in our society. No longer are people looking to 'be there' for others. It saddens me really. The death of love. The death of friendship. The death of family.
Because, with the invent of Social Networking, you ask a friend "Why haven't I heard from you lately?" and they reply..."Whatever! I commented on a post on Facebook the other day!"
Oh, and as a last point....I hate how this town makes you try and be someone you're not. Everyone is in a pissing contest, and if you get caught up in it...you feel like you don't piss far enough....I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to join in....my piss goes as far as it goes....and it can go no further. Like it, or lump it.
Okay, I'm off to IKEA to get a bigger glass, and I'm going to keep a shot glass beside it. Not for water.....for booze. Because, when my glass gets low....I'm gonna need it.
One love,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Big Dicks, Small Brains, and Tits....
Let me give you a glimpse at my inspiration for this rant:
Okay, here's my main problem with this picture. The chick is beat ass ugly. She's got nothing going for her. Extreme Makeover looked at her and said..."Are you fucking serious?". The sandals, the hair, the cartoon owl glasses....she is...in all forms...the hater.
Now, on with the rant....
It really pisses me off when people do this kind of shit. "Women are not for DECORATION!!". No bitch, YOU are not for decoration. Listen, if you've got a big brain, you work for NASA and you solve huge problems. You don't see fucktards standing outside with signs saying "People with intelligence are not for thinking!!" They'd be laughed into exile. Here's my thoughts; If you've got a huge schlong...you do porn...not EVERYONE with a huge schlong does porn, but it opens that door for you. If you CHOOSE to do porn, then you're probably going to have a pretty lucrative career in it. If you're a hot chick, you can be a waitress/bartender/stripper or whatever gets you crazy tips from lonely losers thinking that if they give you a huge tip....somehow...it will lead to you wanting to bang his brains out.
Now, take this picture for example, these girls work at Hooters, and obviously do not have huge HOOTERS, but are willing to show a little leg or stomach for a tip. This toad of a woman has never been hit-on in her life, and therefore, probably has a huge grudge against these girls and their mediocre beauty. Now, don't get me wrong, she may be fighting her own fight and TRULY believe that she is standing up for women. But, what women? Uggos? Beautiful women ARE decoration...they're in magazines as models. They're on calendars, billboards, and commercials. Beautiful people attract attention. Simple as that, and without beautiful people we wouldn't be half as interested in a beer commercial, or whatever is thrown at us. If you put this donkey in a beer commercial....I'd stop drinking beer cold turkey.
Look, if you're blessed with something, use it. Smart..be a scientist, a doctor, or a teacher...(please stop with the morons for teachers)...if you're hung...be a porn star or a professional tire swing....if you're a hot chick...flaunt it...in whatever shape-form-or fashion you want. Fuck that ugly bitch and her Sharpie drawn sign.
Life is too short to listen to the idiots, or the ugly, or the mediocre...if you excel at something....utilize it to your best effort.
Also.....men....stop picking your nose in public.
And people in general....stop spitting your gum on the sidewalk....you're stupid.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Tiger that wants to be a Lion: Chapter One
For years it has boggled my mind, and so I started asking questions (the only way to get answers really), and came up with a diverse array of reasoning behind this trend. Let me give you some examples of the types of females I'm talking about.
There's Female Group - Fake Boobs. They are the ones that are roughly in their early to mid twenties and they have cantaloupes sewn under their skin. "I didn't have any boobs before, they're so my shirts fit better." I will now steal a line from Daniel Tosh - "You say you did it because you wanted your shirts to fit better, but you did it because you're a whore! And you forgot because you're stupid."
Now, I'm not saying that all women with fake boobs are whores, but I am saying that they have self esteem problems. A man may say he has a preference to big/small/medium boobs, but in the end, we just want the slippery clam between your legs, so we'll take whatever you have up top. Rough...I know...but true.
Female Group - Clothes/Shoes Whores. These are a special bunch. Pretentious at heart, and try to cover it by being cute, and classy. This is where I step in...now listen closely women...(lean in if you have to) MEN DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SHOES!!! There, now walk around with that rattling in your head for a bit. Why? Because, then you'll know that shoes and clothes are just a pissing contest between women. Never, NEVER, have I ever been shooting the shit with a guy and him tell me: "So, I was at the bar last night, and this chick walked up to me and she was wearing the nicest Christian Louboutin shoes!! I had to fuck her after that!" Same goes with clothes. As long as you're dressed well, and not over the top, because then you look like a bitch that puts too much time into yourself, which means you'll A: Never throw the football with us. B: Never go hiking/biking/rock climbing with us C: You'll spend 2 hours getting ready to go to IKEA to get an ice tray.
Same goes for you fellas. If I see one more fucking AFFLICTION shirt, or men that are bedazzled from head to foot in fucking Ed "I'm a tool" Hardy....I may very well start swinging an axe around this town. "Look at the pretty colors of red." Johnny calmly said as he cleaved another trucker hat in twain.
Finally, before I wrap this up, I want to touch on what I previously knew it as..."Guido"...but now, it's its own being between men and women altogether.
The Female/Male Ethnic Self Hater. I was lucky enough to be born with black hair, olive skin, and blue eyes. And, for years, people...mostly women...would ask, "Why do you wear contacts?" "I don't you twat. I'm proud of who I am."
I'm tired of seeing Black or Indian women with grey contacts, Latin women with green or blue contacts and White women with all the colors of the rainbow.
Yeah, sometimes it's fun to be someone different. Sometimes it's fun to dress up as someone that you don't see in the mirror every morning. It's fucking called HALLOWEEN!!!
We're born how we're born. We are who we are. Latin women see white women and think "If I could just look a little more like her, the men would like me." White women look at Latin women and think the same...and the criss cross continues throughout. When, ultimately, men don't give a damn about your eyes. We, (believe it or not..especially at my age), want conversation. We want confidence and self esteem. But, not to the point of arrogance. Leave that for the celebrities. That, for some damn reason, everyone is striving to be nowadays.
It pains me to see a world, that is divided, and yet doesn't grasp those divisions as being individuality. Come together with your thoughts, and your ideas...not by our look. What would happen if we all started looking just like the person standing next to us? We'd be like penguins. Yeah, they're monogamous, but my theory is they are so...because they all look the same, and so what's the difference?
Be proud of what you were given at birth. Someone will love you just as you are, and let's face it...fake boobs, coloured contacts, liposuction, dyed hair, and over the top clothing is just falsifying what's underneath it all. Show me the real you. Bare your soul, and expose your inner self, and I may fall in love with that...walk up to me with the aforementioned mess, and I'll spin on my heel and run as far from your ass as possible.
Because, really, what fun would a puzzle be, if all the pieces were square?
That's all for today, I'm off to see some strippers slide up and down on a pole, because they're SEXY!!!!
One life,
P.S. Just so you all know, getting all dressed up, and looking nice started off as a way of 'courting' a man, and trying to find a husband. Basically, the bird doing a mating dance. Now, women have forgotten why they dress up. I know women that spend hours getting ready to go out to clubs, and bars, and have no intention of finding a man to marry/fuck/date. It's sad really. All that effort, for nothing.
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Libido Lambada...
I read a statistic that stated: Males between the age of 12 and 19 think about sex once every 5 seconds.
Lump my 30 something ass into there with them.
Which brings me to my topic for the day.
Necessary Nookie for the Male Libido.
I believe that nuns and monks are very admirable for their vow of celibacy, but completely unnecessary and they're missing out on a key ingredient to human happiness.
I know two types of women (and a few gray area women) that fall on both sides of this topic. Women are more across the board, because...let's face it...testosterone is the 'horny juice' of the human body, and we have an abundance and you have varied levels.
The first type is the type of woman that can't hold a relationship down, because she likes sex, or uses it to try and find a man. She dresses a little provactively and makes efforts to flirt with Joe Six Pack at the bar. She is up for giving morning head, has the Lunch-hour-Lust and is up for a roll in the hay after getting out of the gym. Yet, she thinks that sex IS love, and therefore can't make a relationship work past a couple to a few years, mostly because she's in a relationship with a guy that mostly liked her because she likes to fuck.
On the flip side of the coin:
The second type is more confusing. The girl that goes out of her way to NOT have sex. Okay, so maybe not go out of her way, but makes no efforts to give it any sort of importance. She'll busy herself to keep her mind off of it, or it just slips her mind altogether on a daily basis, because let's face it, it's not the first thought that crossed her mind before running to the mall to meet up with her girlfriends. She's a fun date, intelligent, and easy to get along with, but finds herself wondering what's "missing" in her relationships and when confronted with "It's because you never want to have sex." She always evades that idea to believe "It can't be that." Yet, if a man thinks about sex once out of 5 seconds, and he's not getting it...it's 'that'.
We as a species (as previously stated in former blogs), may have evolved ourselves into a corner. The woman that knows her man is an animal, but doesn't use sex as either a weapon or as a foundation, is a woman that will keep a happy man for many, many years.
Sex is a key to life. And, as dolphins and humans are the only two mammals that have sex for enjoyment, it's almost a necessity to find a balance of Sex and Life.
The endorphins released cause a euphoric feeling, a bond, and releases anxiety, stress, and a multitude of other bodily displeasures.
As I said, I'm no relationship expert, but I'm observant, and I know that I have lost relationships for making sex the ONLY bond I had with a girl, and also the lack of sex in other relationships.
Here's how it works ladies. Say you get married, and your man is about to head out to Pub Night with the boys. All the men are single that your new husband is going out with, and it's the same 'fellas' that he used to go out prowling for chicks with. You get nervous, and don't know what to think about the situation.
Well, Dr. Johnny has the cure for cancer for this one. Fuck his brains out.
Diffuse the bomb, before the bomb has a chance to blow up. Here's what happens:
You give him a thick riding before he leaves, and when he's with his buddies, he's not only relaxed and NOT thinking about sex (because he just got some), he's thinking about how great the sex was with you, and you've just bought yourself a ticket to happiness.
It's the same principle of when we go on dates. If we really like the lady, we'll rub one out before we go on this date. Why? So that we're not trying to 'score' with you, and we focus more on your wonderful assets, as opposed to your ass-n-tits.
We, as men, know that our beast within is a vile one. He has to be fed in order to 'think' properly and with a clear mind.
This is why we are willing to fuck up a "wife and kids" scenario for one thing, and one thing alone....sex. Whether it be with someone younger, darker, fatter, thinner, redhead, or blonde....we like variety, and hate routine. So, keep it spicy, and keep it wild, and we'll never stray. It's not a "what if" situation...it's a "WILL" situation.
I, myself, do not fit into this category. As you read in my blogs, I am not your Run of the Mill type man. I can fuck up a relationship in a multitude of ways, but it will never be for cheating. I'll punch the clown twice a day if necessary to kill that insatiable feeling of horny, but I will not destroy Love for Lust. Passion, maybe, but not passion in the sexual mind. I love passion of life, soul, earth, and all inbetween, but never "Just for sex."
In finishing, a nun and a monk are respected by me for the intent (as futile as it is), but in the end, they're missing out on making love, jungle fucking, and quickies. They finish doing the wrong thing (alter boys), because it's human nature to want to spread your seed, or have your eggs fertilized.
Or, to simply, get off.
So, men, do your best to know that you have a monster in your belly, and he's just that...a monster. He'll turn you into something you don't need in your life if you let him.
Ladies. Please, if you take anything away from this, let it be this nugget of wisdom: We are far more horny than you THINK you know. We hide it at all costs, but we need to be satiated, or we will look to the first example of woman for what we need. (and we know from the jump that those relationships are doomed, but for some reason, some men still choose to get laid more often, than have a relationship with substance...if they feel neglected)
As Joe Rogan so bluntly puts it..."It's leftover monkey shit."
Final thought:
I'll break it down into my Man Equation; We lift weights to gain muscle, to look 'protective' to get women, to get laid. We go to college, to get a good job, to make more money, to buy cool shit, to get women, to get laid. We shave, we shower, we run, we learn to cook, we do damn close to everything we do...with the intent...that it'll get us laid. No joke. If sex were not in this equation, men would stink, be hairy, and ultimately we'd all look like Zach Galifianakis. Seriously.
So, that's my insight into our gremlin we call our male libido. Feel free to take away from it what you like, but that's men, cut and dry. We love you women, but we love our little soldier just as much.
Why do you think, after every sexual encounter, we ask whether or not you had an orgasm, or "Was that good for you?", because we want you to jump up and down and cheer our name, and say "That was the best sex EVER!! You're a rockstar!!"
Alright, enough said....
I'm off to a Thai Massage parlor...
The ol' Rub-n-Tug,
I'm out....
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Art of the Drink...
This hurt my soul.
Not for the fact that she didn't know any of the jargon I was using, but for the fact that a place that should have invited class, had a person in a hooded sweatshirt working behind the bar, that knew nothing of the peaty, distinct richness of scotch, and how to serve it to a gentleman in the know.
I peruse the liquor aisle in a grocery store now and I see "Infused With...", "Cherry Flavored" "Lemon Craze"...and I have to just look on with a head that shakes from side to side in heartbreak.
No longer can a true gentleman show his expertise with such class and elegance by knowing a vast array of drinks off the cuff when hosting a lady in his place. "What would you like?" he would say as he disappeared behind his bar as he popped the top from his silver bullet shaker. "A Rob Roy." "A Sidecar." "A Tom Collins."
And the man would go to work.
Now, with premade, prefabricated everything, in a world that demands "I want it faster!", the smooth caress of a mans hand upon his martini shaker is slowly becoming a thing of the past.
Liquors now have recipes on a rubberband hanging around their neck that simply read "Mix with 7-Up, and you're ready to go."
They've taken then Class out of Classic.
To go back to the bar, where I'm staring with a forlorn face into the empty gaze of a hoodie wearing bartender...I will finish my pain, and agony by giving you her final retort to our conversation.
"So, you want a triple shot of scotch?"
I almost cried.
Classically yours,
Mangano, Johnny Mangano
Shaken, not Stirred.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Pronunciation: \pre-ĖstÄzh, -ĖstÄj\
1 : standing or estimation in the eyes of people : weight or credit in general opinion
2 : commanding position in people's minds
By definition, this word means "I want to look cool in other peoples' eyes."
It seems to be a word that our society continues to chase day after day, week after week...and so on.
The actual status is elusive by nature, and we tend to blame others when we are incapable of reaching it. Yet, we want it so badly, that we inadvertently incorporate it into our daily speak.
"I'm going to party like a rock star!"
"I'm king of the world!"
"That's so 'yesterday'."
We have this need to feel superior to our peers, and yet we want to fit in and 'belong' at the same time.
As humans, we are pack animals, and every pack needs a leader, but the problem is...no one these days wants to be a follower. Followers are not respected, admired, or showered with riches.
But, what are riches by definition? Money? Cars? Mansions?
"Once I get to the prestigious position, all will admire me and respect me."
Well, Paris Hilton has a mansion, and a Bentley and all the newest couture...and is in fact an heiress to the Hilton Hotel chain...and yet, cannot command respect from us, nor her peers.
And yet, when we fall short of this, and find that our prestige isn't exactly A) Attainable, or B) What we thought it'd be, we tend to play the Blame Game.
Here's what I'm getting at...we all fight and struggle to get on top of what we always imagined to be the pinnacle of success. Whether it be the CEO of a company, or the star of a movie, but sometimes those things don't happen the way we planned on them to.
Take me for example. Big dreamer. Told everyone from the time I was 15 that I was going to be a huge actor, and fought through doubters, haters, and hecklers to get to where I am today. Yet, where am I today? Where I am is a place that I have decided has done exactly what it set out to do. Teach me lessons. Lessons in love. Lessons in success. Lessons in drive, ambition, and power.
I cannot point my finger at everyone around me and say "YOU'RE THE REASON I'M NOT MORE FAMOUS THAN TOM CRUISE!!!", because they are not the reason. No one can destroy you, but you.
And, sometimes, just sometimes...the lessons learned...are greater than the riches that would have come from said success.
There are two topics I wanted to destroy in this blog: Blaming others for our failings, and the idiotic way we all - ALL - want some sort of prestige nowadays.
Sometimes it's not in our cards to get exactly what we want, and the trees roots grow in a different direction than we thought they were going to, and therefore we have to adjust our plan, because if the roots changed, that means the limbs of the tree will grow in a different direction as well. In other words...things rarely ever go according to plan. So, we change with them. We adjust our strategy, and we figure out an alternate route to attack what we call life.
I myself, want a modest, yet comfortable life. I want things that go inside my house, that no one will ever see, and that make me feel nice. I don't care what others think of me, and I don't care if life keeps handing me lemons...I will continue to make lemonade.
Lastly, I don't care about being admired. I do care about being respected.
Respect is something we forget about all the time. We confuse it for admiration, and that has gone way out of control. There was a man that worked in my highschool as a janitor, and he had been there for over 30 years when I was there. Every teacher, every principal, and most parents respected this man. He got Christmas gifts, candy, birthday gifts...from all the people. For his hard work, his diligent life, and his respect for all those around him. This commanded respect from those that surrounded him.
But, he wasn't famous. He didn't make a lot of money. He didn't even drive a nice car. But, he was admired...through respect.
Be good at what you do. Don't make too many waves, and stay passionate about life. Above all, remember that the reason we used to want nice things...was to share them with someone you love, and not be in a mansion, alone, full of disrespect, empty hearts, and broken promises.
Be true to the true nature of Life, and life will reward you with riches beyond all measure.
Now, I need to go wash my Bentley before I leave, I've got dinner at Katsuya with Kate Hudson to discuss A-Rod's future with the New York Yankees.
King of All,
Friday, October 23, 2009
It's like molecular osmosis....
No, I'll tell you what pisses me off...it's not Social Networking as a whole, it's the fucktardery that goes along with it.
Example: A) Bob and Jennifer are in love. Bob and Jennifer get married. Bob and Jennifer are separately on Facebook, but then.....IT HAPPENS!....I post: "GO YANKEES!!!" as an update....Jennifer posts "We think GO ANGELS!!!".... Do you see what happened here?
Bob and Jennifer are now a "WE" in their lives to a point that, poor Bob, can't say "GO ANGELS!" on his own anymore. "We this..." "We that..." "Let's start a Facebook that is for BOTH of us honey!"
GET FUCKED JENNIFER!!! Look, here's the thing. Unless you hand over a boob, and I get to keep it in my pocket and squeeze that thing whenever the fuck I want to, and I hand over my bicep so you can carry out the trash with no strain...then we are not SHARING to the point of needing to be a "WE" at all times. What happened to two people coexisting in a single habitat, while maintaining their own identity?
The man: Sports, Beer, Cars, Boobs
The woman: Clothing, Mimosas, Romance Novels, Nothing to do with sex
"We" should only be used in answering a question such as "Are you two coming to the party later?"..."Yes, WE are."
Example: B) Bob and Jennifer love each other SOOOOOOO much that they have a baby. This baby is either ugly or cute...you decide...but, you get to decide daily, because....guess what? THEY PUT THE FUCKING BABY UP ON THEIR PROFILE PICTURE!!!
Here's my problem with that. If I went to college with Bob, and I want to tell Bob a story of when we went to college, but then I see his ugly ass kid staring back at me when I want to click "Bob Smith" on Facebook. "YOU'RE NOT BOB SMITH YOU LITTLE LYING FUCKER!!!"
I get that people are proud they got sperm to match up with egg, and made offspring....yippee for you...you can reproduce. Cookie for you.
But, putting a picture of your kid...or you and Jennifer....or your damn dog....as your profile picture is just stupid. Why? IT'S NOT YOU!!! If I wanted to see pictures of your kids, your dog, your wife...what-the-fuck-ever....I would go to...you guessed it...the PICTURE TAB ON YOUR PAGE!!! Fuckwit.
Stop it people. Stop losing your identity in other things. If you aren't confident enough to keep your own identity, then you probably don't have enough going on in your life, and therefore should spare us the pain of having you on a Social Networking Site.
Oh, and for those women that do it because you don't trust him... Here's a lesson: You treat a man like you don't trust him, and he'll feel like you don't trust him. If he feels like you don't trust him, then he has nothing to lose by doing something that is untrustworthy. Get it?
Trust a man, and give him his space, and he's more likely to stay loyal to you, because he feels he has your respect, and trust and doesn't want to lose that.
Now, to go find me a $5 hooker,
Goodnight all,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
---"He's black."-----
Alright, so I'm at my mailbox down in the sublevel parking garage, and I see a fella that's roomies with 'a guy I know'. (all of whom shall remain nameless) I say, "How's it shakin'?" he says..."Trying to make ends meet and put something in my bank account.". You know, small talk...somehow, the fact that I'm thinking of moving coming September comes up, and I mention how overpriced this joint is. See, I pay 1,300 a month for a studio apartment, but this place I live in is like a resort. 2 hot tubs, 1 sauna, a full gym, an olympic sized swimming pool, security, gated entry....the works....BUT, my biggest complaint is this: We, the tenants, pay a wild amount of money, but daily I see people in flip flops, flowered shorts and bikini's, beach towel and tanning lotion standing outside our gates waiting for a car to make it past security so they can come in and use our pool. They live down the street in the cheap shits, and come use our expensive assed luxuries...it just doesn't seem right.....
So, I voice this complaint to said fellow at the mailbox where he says...."Yeah, there I was the other day laying in the hot tub when this....black....woman comes up with her 5 kids and says 'Everyone jump in!!', and I know she doesn't live here." First things first, he's only lived in the complex for maybe 5 months, and there's probably around 400 apartments in this complex...so, there's no way in hell he knows everyone....secondly....he did the typical whisper of the word "black" that I can't stand. But, before I take that further, let me continue....then he says..."And, security called my apartment the other day and said there was this...black guy....playing basketball at our basketball court, and he was in aparmtment ---- (left out on purpose), and that's my apartment number so I told them to kick him out." Okay, so you're telling me that SECURITY called your apartment and said..."Sir, do you have a black man staying with you that plays basketball?" I think not. So, there's a few things that come to mind with this....1) You're racist, and want me to jump on board with you and say..."Yeah, I hate black people."...which is why you're whispering that word to me, in hopes that it'll increase my hatred of the black man...(believe me, it's very common in Missouri)...or 2) All of it's true, and you're using the word 'black' in fear that someone black may hear you and take offense to it and call you a racist. Which, in my experience, most people that are black....know they're black, and in turn, if you're using it without harm...you have nothing to fear...it's like saying..."Man, there was this white guy dancing at the club last night and he looked like he was falling down a flight of stairs.", it just helps paint the image. Which, in this guys case, he could've left color out of it completely, and it more sounded like he was trying to get me to "Come to the Dark Side!!". So, I throw in the occasional "Are you sure he was black?", and he overly nods his head in the "OH YEAH!!" form. And I just listen. But, in defense of California, it doesn't seem to me that California Natives are like this...it more seems that the Out-of-Staters are the ones that bring it here....you know, from small towns, prettiest face in town, and decided they wanted to be famous...but, couldn't believe how many nationalities were actually in L.A.
So, as a lesson to those out there....if you aren't meaning harm....most ethnic people know who they are, and what color their skin is...so if you're saying "I was at a Mexican Restaurant, and this.....Mexican Guy....brought me my food." He knows he's Mexican, Italians know their Italian, and Black people know they're Black.....but, if you're a racist....keep it to yourself...we've got enough problems to deal with, without you bringing your ignorance to the table.
Enough......I'm out.
Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease,
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I'm not allowed to have imaginary friends....
I've touched on this subject before, but I'm bored...and I just watched some guy try to convince Joe Rogan (great comedian, check him out) that Noah's Ark was real. So, it spurred me to write down some thoughts that I've always had plugged into my brain, but rarely share with everyone. So, this will probably piss off quite a few of you, but....I could really give two fucks.
Alright, so here's my theory....mass/organized religion is based on two things...worshipping Jesus Christ, and worshipping the Bible, right? Alright, I have to say, to me...I don't get the whole Jesus Christ thing. It's like this; If God created, the Heavens, the Moon and the Earth, then why worship Jesus? Shouldn't you be worshipping God? When someone sneezes, you don't say..."Jesus Bless you!!" you say, "God Bless you.". Well, most people will argue..."Jesus died for our sins." Well, if God is almighty, then HE is the one that killed him....right?...he orchestrates all that happens, and it's all his divine plan. So, therein, why not worship every guy that dies on a gurney in Iraq (which is fighting for our freedom), and then we bring him back to life with the little electric paddles. Same principle right? Plus, we actually know that this guy in Iraq existed, fought his good fight, and died, and came back.....which brings me to my next point....
The Bible. A book. Am I right? Written by people over 2,000 years ago. Not even Don Rickles was alive that long ago to see that this shit they wrote about was legit. In my eyes, if I wrote a comic book....about, let's say....Wolverine. It's fairly believable. Man suffers through experiments of the government, but then fights for all that is Right, and Good. Alright, so say....for conversation sake....all other books on the planet get burned up in some kind of apocolypse. The only book left is my comic book. In 2,000 years, someone finds this and starts to worship Wolverine. They don't know it didn't happen. They actually love the idea that a super powerful somebody is fighting for them and all they belive in. It's a book......a book. To top it off, the King James version of the book was revised by....you guessed it....King James....to keep his people more in line, and to implement his guidelines upon them. (this is my understanding, you may correct me if you know more about that)
But, what I'm getting at...is there is no solid proof of any of this. Nothing founded, nothing real. Who's to say that Shakespeare didn't write this book? (it's written in prose right?) Who's to say that someone didn't just write a tale of wonderment and it was just that...a tale?
I get the fact that religion gives us a faith that something else is beyond this life, but that is more of a fear of death, than a belief of 'something beyond', and a life of immortality is something that has made millions flock to whatever idea could make it true. (Fountain of Youth)
If you ask a Believer, "Do you think Dogs, Cats, Elephants, Apes, and other living creatures go to Heaven?" They more often than not, say no, and that only Humans have a soul. "Did God create the human genome, DNA, and atoms, molecules and everything microscopic...because there's no mention of it in the Bible?"
You know, to each his own....I have friends from all aspects of religion, and don't hold it over their heads, and I don't judge anyone for any of their beliefs....I, myself, tend to think there's a lot of smoke and mirrors to the 'Good Book'. Adam was made from sand...Eve from the rib of Adam....got cast out of Eden....and walked into a city..............ummmmmm.....huh? A city? How the fuck did that happen if they were the first people? And don't say...."They were the first perfect people." Well, then were the other people made of sand and ribs?
Hear me out people, if you are afraid of dying...then live more....fuck this...."I'm afraid to sin too much!! What if I don't get into Heaven.".....I've got one for you....."What if there is no Heaven?".....What if you're fucking away all these good years of life on being 'good' and 'honest' and 'pure' and what you're supposed to be doing is getting drunk, having sex, and living life to the fullest? It's a HUGE 'what if' for a lot of you....but, some of the select few out there will get me.
Because, seriously....there's Muslims, and Buddhists, and Catholics, and Christians, and so many more.....you're telling me that one is right and all others are wrong? What about, they're all wrong? Who wants to live forever?.....because, if you live clean and pure on the planet, and then there IS a 'forever' are you going to become the absolute opposite because you're going to live forever? Is it a "Be good until you get into Heaven." kind of deal....and then you let loose? Or are you going to be bored out of your fucking mind for an eternity?
Ironically, I get the stigma of being an Atheist, and am told I'm going to Hell (which is cool, because I don't believe in Hell), from a lot of my Christian friends.
Okay, okay....enough....
God Bless you all,
P.S. I wonder if a tree goes to Heaven when it dies?
P.P.S. Actually, come to think of it....I think I saw picture with Don Rickles and Jesus at a bar together once....but, who knows?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Men are from Mars.....
Here's my theory: We're both from fucking Earth, and we've gotta fuck to make babies.
That's it in a nutshell.
Long ago, I had a girlfriend that did everything under the sun to make me love her more. She listened to my music, she bought the same brands of clothing, and she ultimately started learning Italian to try and bring us closer together. Problem is, I didn't like what she had become after doing all these things. I liked who she was BEFORE doing all of this.
This is what brings me to the core topic of this blog: "But, I'm doing all these things for you."
But are you doing the RIGHT THINGS for me?
Listen women, you all have this idea in your head of what we want. Yet, you never listen to what we want.
Overheard in a phone conversation between a husband and a wife: "Wow honey, I had the worst day ever, and I would kill for a beer right now, but there's none in the fridge." "Oh, baby, I'm sorry to hear that, I'll come home and give you a massage."
Now, to a woman, she's going ABOVE AND BEYOND what he wanted, and taking it to someplace better. To the man, she ignored what he truly wanted, and is giving him something he won't turn down (because it could possibly lead to sex), but didn't ask for remotely.
Which brings me to the next portion of this conversation. Men that use the excuse, "Well, she says all the time that she can open doors for herself, and wants to be treated equally, so I don't even make the effort for her." - - - see also: my blog about the lack of gentlemen in this world - -
There's a problem in this world, and it's rooted in thought. Women, say one thing, but want another, men just say what they want. Men, think "Well, if she wanted exactly that, she'd say it." and women think "He says he wants that, but he truly want this."
It's all quite annoying if you get down to the meaty middle of it all.
Here's my experience with this whole miscommunication.
I had a relationship fail, because two people refused to budge on the giving end of things. We played the 'pointing fingers' game at whom was to blame, but in the end, it was both of our faults. We failed to give into the "I have to see things for what they are, and without me giving this one thing (no matter what relationship it may be) it will end in a bad way."
Women and men alike have began to treat relationships like a cellphone. They carry the one they have around, because they thought it was the coolest, slickest model they could find. Until, of course you're walking through the mall and see someone elses cellphone and think "Ahhhh, they have one much cooler than mine! I need to check into getting an upgrade."
Then, you no longer see your phone (still talking about relationships people, bear with me), you see it as 'old and out of date'. When, sadly, the cellphone company does not make the ULTIMATE PHONE!! Each one is missing a detail. No video, no Memo Pad, no Camera, no....what have you. Because, if they created the ultimate phone...there would be no need to upgrade ever again, and then all these companies would go out of business.
In our consumerist mentality, we treat relationships like that. At the smallest loss of the spark, people don't try and reignite it like our parents and grandparents did...they start looking for an upgrade. This is why you hear of people having 3 or 4 marriages before they're 40. People treat marriage as dating now.
Can you remember as a child, how our parents used to joke about Liza Minnelli and the fact that she was on her 4th husband? Now, it's so commonplace, that it is no longer shocking.
We are different people, but love is something you have to work for, and with this "Women are from Venus" bullshit, women have began to think that they're from such a different planet than men, that men no longer want to put forth the effort to show them we're from the same planet.
And, in such, we will no longer see in our generation the 50 Year Anniversary of the Smith's. You'll have 10, 5 Year Anniversary's. We'll find ourselves single in our 50's and wondering why none of our relationships worked out.
We're not evolving any longer. To evolve means to move forward with our race. (the human race) We're devolving.
It's not about whether or not you go out and buy flowers, candy, and a card everyday, it's about understanding, compromise, and compassion.
Don't try and read each other like a book. Because, you'll just finish trying to 'read between the lines' and that'll finish badly. Don't think that we're from different worlds, or you'll never have the "Lady and the Tramp" mentality of being able to find love anywhere, with anyone.
In 200 years, you'll be in Manhattan and ask someone where they're from and they'll say "Earth". But, at the rate we're going, we won't want to fuck, we won't want to love, and we won't want to be much of anything.....why?....because we won't "be".
Men, open doors, give flowers, and listen to her stories, and treat her like a Queen.
Women, listen to the simplest of things, make him feel masculine, and treat him like a King.
Because, as it stands, we're all Earthlings, and without each other, we may very well be the next Endangered Species.
- Johnny
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Articulation of Intelligence
I bring this point to my audience for one reason alone...not from the demise of intellect as we know it, but because I heard a woman (with wrinkles) standing in front of me at Ralph's and speaking to someone on the other end of her Blackberry and after a 3 chuckle spasm says "O.M.G.!! He did not say that?!"
Yes, dear friends, someones aunt/grandmother abbreviated "Oh my God!!" in an attempt to appear younger than her years.
I find myself having to dumb myself down from time to time to actually be able to carry on a conversation with friends. I have an eclectic variety of friends of which I am proud of, but the majority of them are not well versed in the art of conversation.
Take for instance my UFC addict friends. "FUCK MAN!! DID YOU SEE LIDELL PUMMEL THE SHIT OUT OF THAT GUY THIS WEEKEND?!?!" Of which I either can get into the vibe and carry on my meathead side, or I can just ignore it and reply with a simple. "No man, fuck, I missed it." These friends are the ones that you cannot speak to about politics, religion, or current news related material. ESPN, UFC, NFL, MLB.....they have it all covered, but if you say..."What are your views on how Obama is doing?" they'll more often than not reply "Man, I don't discuss politics with friends, because it ruins relationships." Which means one of two things. 1) They are Republican and most Republicans don't like to talk about politics in California for some reason. Or 2) They know absolutely nothing about the topic, and rather than admit to the amount of empty space in their head, they'd rather move on to the next sport topic.
Then, you have the polar opposite. The friends that watch FoxNews, CNN, and CSPAN for fun. They read the New York Times, Washington Post, and the BBC News online. These fellows are more than happy to give you their opinion on Obama, Israel, Iraq, or whatever controversy there is to be shared. But, then you mention that your favorite sports team has a game on that afternoon they look at you like you just farted in their face.
Look, to me, this world has a vast amount of intelligence to be shared. Sports, Culture, Travel, Books, Religion, Politics....what have you....these are all things to which we can fill our gray matter in our heads to the brim with, and still have room for more. We shouldn't have to dumb our vocabulary down, or spice it up for one person or another. As humans we should desire intellectual conversation that allows us to learn more (after we've left school) and to share our knowledge of whatever subject with one another in HOPES to learn something new. Don't try to rule a conversation to "sound smart", but dumb yourself down to "appear as one of the guys".
It's simple, life is one big lesson after another. You're a baby...you learn to not put a fork in a power outlet. You're a teenager, you learn that girls don't like you if you stink. You're in college, you learn that drinking until you pass out gets you written on with a black marker.
We are the accumulation of lessons we learn. Whether it be of love, life, or the spaces in between...we're always learning, and those we call friends should be those that we share these lessons we believe to be important to us.
In short. Learn, share (without limits) and BE the person YOU are...not what society thinks you should be. Then, you're not living your life...life is living it for you.
Stay smart my friends,
I'm going to go kill some brain cells with a beer, and then listen to Frank Sinatra....
Mix some ASS with some CLASS,
Monday, September 14, 2009
A lesson in class for the modern man....
All I'm trying to say is this, it's not taught to us any longer as a means of making yourself dignified and intelligent. Men my age and younger think that the way to a woman's heart is to buy her a bottle of Cristal at a club and take her to the VIP section while flashing tons of cash. Granted, this does impress a lot of girls (read former blogs for the immaturity in our society), but these are not women with value or weight. These are Single Serving Women.
Sadly, we no longer have a problem bringing home the Single Serving Woman to meet Mom. It's a fact that this is all a case of laziness.
For example, I was walking about 10 steps behind a friend of mine (male) the other day walking into a Blockbuster and he walked up to the door at the exact same time as a woman did. He made no effort to hold the door for her and, in fact, went in first and I rushed for the door to hold it open and gave a courteous "After you.", that didn't receive any response.
I walked inside and asked him "Why'd you do that?". At which he looked at me blankly with a "Do what?" and I pointed at the door, the lady, and his reply was simple; "She didn't even say 'Thank you.' to you, and none of them do anymore, so why even make the effort?"
There you have it folks. "Why even make the effort?"
It's all about us. Because without some kind of instant gratification, there is no reasoning behind being kind, classy, respectful, or gentlemanlike.
I'll say this, I make the efforts so that I do not become a drone that is hell bent upon "I, Me, Mine" (it's a Beatles song...check it out), and so that I am putting out more than I'm taking in. It sounds stupid to most of you, I'm sure, to give more than you receive, but in the ultimate light of it all, we're not here to accumulate more than someone else, or to 'use' others...we're here as a shrewedness of apes that are supposed to be keeping each other alive to maintain our position in the animal kingdom as the King Banana.
It saddens me that men say "I can't find a decent woman.", and then act the way they do, and it saddens me when a woman says "I can't find a decent man." then goes to a club, uses men to buy drinks, then makes out with her girlfriend to keep the drinks coming, and finishes going home and sleeping with one of these men and feeling remorse for 5 days until she does it again.
Flooding yourself with self respect will inevitably cause an overflow of respect into the outside world.
It's okay to not be the loudest, the most obnoxious, the richest or the man with the coolest car. It's okay to be the man in the corner that has little to say about "Jon and Kate Plus 8", but then perks up when you hear how that the greatest Documentary on Hunter S. Thompson was Gonzo.
We've come a long way, and in this world full of places to be courteous, respectful, and kind...we Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, and Bebo our way into a world of Asshole that we then wonder how we got into.
As many places to prove you're an egomaniacal jerk that is destined to be with a girl named Tiffani ("With an I."), that wears a nametag during the day and serves shots at night....there are an equal amount of places to prove that chivalry is not dead. That intelligence will win out over ignorance, and that holding a door for a lady will never go out of style.
And, until we figure it out, keep trying my friends...it'll eventually stick.
Respectfully all of yours,
Mangano.....Johnny Mangano
Friday, September 11, 2009
It's only humanity after all....
Not the normal ways that everyone considers. Those are destroying the PLANET, not humanity. I'm not talking about the destruction of humanity, I'm talking about the slow trickle into nothingness that can only be described as "Self-Involved-Human-Nature".
Here's my theory;
Joe Rogan may seem like "The Fear Factor guy!!", but he's got an intelligent head on his shoulders with a vast amount of weight to his thoughts. (even in his standup you could all learn something) Simply put, he has a theory that coincides with mine...We're fucking monkeys people!! (yes, i know, we're apes...but just follow along)
We are here to eat, sleep, procreate and exist alongside other animals in the circle of life. We are supposed to eat other animals, plants, and fuck, and fuck and fuck.
But, here's where we went wrong. We became, as previously stated in a former blog, immature. We're a vain and arrogant race now that no longer cares about the simple things like....oh...I don't know....maintaining our species. We're 'thinking' our way right out of existence.
We're putting off children longer and longer in our lives, even those in loving caring marriages, because we want to travel more, be free to roam the planet, the city, what have you, and frolic like when we were children on the playground.
Women are no longer wanting to have children, because let's face it...it's hard enough fitting into that dress without having to worry about the excess weight you gain after a child. Not only that, but it's rumored (straight from women's mouths mind you) that your facial features change after you've had a baby.
Look, I'm all for a little vanity...it's a self esteem boost to feel attractive. But, this is just getting ridiculous.
I look at my list of friends on Facebook, and when less than 10% of them have children, and I'm in my mid 30's, we've got a serious problem. Because most will just say after a few years..."Fuck it. I've waited this long, I'll be alright without having kids." And, there we have it....that's just part of the trickle.
Here's the real biter.
Men. Yessireebob....Men. 30 years ago, a man wanted to get married for numerous reasons, but mainly so he could have a healthy lay at least once a week. Oh yeah, it was a simpler time, where you only heard about a friend of a friend, of your brother that had been to Tijuana and saw a woman get fucked by a donkey. A time where only Playboy existed as a means to see a boob outside of a girlfriend. Playboy didn't have the full on view of the naughty bits, so we were forced to have an imagination of "The things I'd do to this girl." Yet.....
The invent of the internet has revolutionized how men perceive sex and relationships. You'd have to date 10 women to find 1 to do the things you wanted. Now....*click*....there she is.
You heard about the donkey show from a friend of a friend of.......*click*....there it is.
You chat at home on the computer...you don't go to the bar for the social interaction. You send e-mails back and forth, you have such a separation of 'being' that we get awkward if a girl wants to have ACTUAL sex. The generation after us will almost have no need whatsoever. Toys, gadgets, and machines exist for 'satisfaction', and it all brings a scene from Judge Dredd to mind where Sandra Bullock and Sly are in the room and she gets grossed out thinking about "Bodily fluid transfer".
Face it people...vanity, technology, and the lack of passion in this world is going to do the planet a favor...it will rid the world of a virus known as Humanity.
One love,
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The slow descent into idiocy...
Do you remember when we used to pride ourselves on outsmarting others? Or we would hear about Scientists or Mathematicians and think "Wow, those guys are so smart! I'd love to be that smart."
Well, with the invention of Reality TV, Emoticons, and OnStar we can kiss that era goodbye.
No longer does a person have to know how to read a map, or measure distance with the legend at the bottom of said map. No, it's all done for you, and delivered to you with a pleasant sounding computer person tucked away inside your dashboard. "Turn Right on Vineland in 1.3 miles."
No longer do we say "Oh, that was funny." in a message between two people. We have went from writing "LOL" (laugh out loud for those that have been living under a rock), to not even attempting to type at all and pushing a little yellow smiley face with his mouth agape in apparent laughter. I find full grown adults abbreviating words to an extent that they are no longer legible. This is the demise of language as we know it. When adults on a Social Networking site are writing "OMG, dat's gonna get Gawd on ur ass!!" If you're old enough to have graduated college, had children, own a house, or to even drink alcoholic beverages, it is time to grow up and be an adult.
An emoticon is not an answer to a question. "LMAO" is not proper English. It's all of a sudden COOL to be STUPID. Which brings me to Reality TV...the demon in our society.
A fish lipped, liposuctioned, idiot of a human being can be famous for having a litter of children, that if this were a jungle, would have been dragged off by any number of ferocious animal with the excuse of "Survival of the Fittest".
Your parents can be the owners of a hotel chain that brings in enough money for you to never have to think again, and therefore find whatever powdery substance that happens to be lying around L.A. to shove up your nose all the while having a camera crew following you around dropping idiotic dribble out of your mouth like "That's hot." "Ohmigawd." and other worthless nonsense.
Then, when this wet fart hits the airwaves, impressionable child after impressionable child see it all over television. It's only hours before Little Suzie in Tallahassee, Florida goes to buy pink tiaras and walks into school with a stuffed chihuahua under her arm saying "That's hot." to everyone she sees.
It's a sad world we live in when a scientist that discovers there may be an actual cure for cancer is on the bottom page of CNN.com and another overdosed celebrity is at the top as Late Breaking News!!
This is all I have for now...I'll most assuredly return to this topic, as it's one of the biggest things that irks me in this world.
Goodnight folks, and enjoy the world you see now, because the next generation is going to fuck it up good.