Friday, October 23, 2009

It's like molecular osmosis....

Truth be told, I'm a bit antisocial for a reason. It's not that I feel I'm superior in any way, I'm quite average by my own admittance. It's that society as a whole has become a bunch of fucking twits. As I stated earlier in my blog, we are getting older and trying to sound younger "Ur tha best Angie! You totally need to get tha new botox shot!!" What happened to class? Sophistication? I feel I am lying when I give a speech anymore and begin with "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please?" Mostly, because I look around the room and see people texting, talking to the person next to them, or just being a general fucktard with their mouth agape like a teenager staring at a Playboy. (which, as gentleman's magazines go...still has class)
No, I'll tell you what pisses me's not Social Networking as a whole, it's the fucktardery that goes along with it.
Example: A) Bob and Jennifer are in love. Bob and Jennifer get married. Bob and Jennifer are separately on Facebook, but then.....IT HAPPENS!....I post: "GO YANKEES!!!" as an update....Jennifer posts "We think GO ANGELS!!!".... Do you see what happened here?
Bob and Jennifer are now a "WE" in their lives to a point that, poor Bob, can't say "GO ANGELS!" on his own anymore. "We this..." "We that..." "Let's start a Facebook that is for BOTH of us honey!"

GET FUCKED JENNIFER!!! Look, here's the thing. Unless you hand over a boob, and I get to keep it in my pocket and squeeze that thing whenever the fuck I want to, and I hand over my bicep so you can carry out the trash with no strain...then we are not SHARING to the point of needing to be a "WE" at all times. What happened to two people coexisting in a single habitat, while maintaining their own identity?

The man: Sports, Beer, Cars, Boobs
The woman: Clothing, Mimosas, Romance Novels, Nothing to do with sex

"We" should only be used in answering a question such as "Are you two coming to the party later?"..."Yes, WE are."

Example: B) Bob and Jennifer love each other SOOOOOOO much that they have a baby. This baby is either ugly or decide...but, you get to decide daily, because....guess what? THEY PUT THE FUCKING BABY UP ON THEIR PROFILE PICTURE!!!

Here's my problem with that. If I went to college with Bob, and I want to tell Bob a story of when we went to college, but then I see his ugly ass kid staring back at me when I want to click "Bob Smith" on Facebook. "YOU'RE NOT BOB SMITH YOU LITTLE LYING FUCKER!!!"

I get that people are proud they got sperm to match up with egg, and made offspring....yippee for can reproduce. Cookie for you.

But, putting a picture of your kid...or you and Jennifer....or your damn your profile picture is just stupid. Why? IT'S NOT YOU!!! If I wanted to see pictures of your kids, your dog, your wife...what-the-fuck-ever....I would go guessed it...the PICTURE TAB ON YOUR PAGE!!! Fuckwit.

Stop it people. Stop losing your identity in other things. If you aren't confident enough to keep your own identity, then you probably don't have enough going on in your life, and therefore should spare us the pain of having you on a Social Networking Site.

Oh, and for those women that do it because you don't trust him... Here's a lesson: You treat a man like you don't trust him, and he'll feel like you don't trust him. If he feels like you don't trust him, then he has nothing to lose by doing something that is untrustworthy. Get it?

Trust a man, and give him his space, and he's more likely to stay loyal to you, because he feels he has your respect, and trust and doesn't want to lose that.

Now, to go find me a $5 hooker,
Goodnight all,

Thursday, October 1, 2009

---"He's black."-----

Okay....I'm not going to go on TOO long about this...because, honestly, it's like beating a dead horse, but it has to be said...because it's knocking around in my head, and I have to tell someone.

Alright, so I'm at my mailbox down in the sublevel parking garage, and I see a fella that's roomies with 'a guy I know'. (all of whom shall remain nameless) I say, "How's it shakin'?" he says..."Trying to make ends meet and put something in my bank account.". You know, small talk...somehow, the fact that I'm thinking of moving coming September comes up, and I mention how overpriced this joint is. See, I pay 1,300 a month for a studio apartment, but this place I live in is like a resort. 2 hot tubs, 1 sauna, a full gym, an olympic sized swimming pool, security, gated entry....the works....BUT, my biggest complaint is this: We, the tenants, pay a wild amount of money, but daily I see people in flip flops, flowered shorts and bikini's, beach towel and tanning lotion standing outside our gates waiting for a car to make it past security so they can come in and use our pool. They live down the street in the cheap shits, and come use our expensive assed just doesn't seem right.....
So, I voice this complaint to said fellow at the mailbox where he says...."Yeah, there I was the other day laying in the hot tub when comes up with her 5 kids and says 'Everyone jump in!!', and I know she doesn't live here." First things first, he's only lived in the complex for maybe 5 months, and there's probably around 400 apartments in this, there's no way in hell he knows everyone....secondly....he did the typical whisper of the word "black" that I can't stand. But, before I take that further, let me continue....then he says..."And, security called my apartment the other day and said there was guy....playing basketball at our basketball court, and he was in aparmtment ---- (left out on purpose), and that's my apartment number so I told them to kick him out." Okay, so you're telling me that SECURITY called your apartment and said..."Sir, do you have a black man staying with you that plays basketball?" I think not. So, there's a few things that come to mind with this....1) You're racist, and want me to jump on board with you and say..."Yeah, I hate black people."...which is why you're whispering that word to me, in hopes that it'll increase my hatred of the black man...(believe me, it's very common in Missouri)...or 2) All of it's true, and you're using the word 'black' in fear that someone black may hear you and take offense to it and call you a racist. Which, in my experience, most people that are black....know they're black, and in turn, if you're using it without have nothing to's like saying..."Man, there was this white guy dancing at the club last night and he looked like he was falling down a flight of stairs.", it just helps paint the image. Which, in this guys case, he could've left color out of it completely, and it more sounded like he was trying to get me to "Come to the Dark Side!!". So, I throw in the occasional "Are you sure he was black?", and he overly nods his head in the "OH YEAH!!" form. And I just listen. But, in defense of California, it doesn't seem to me that California Natives are like more seems that the Out-of-Staters are the ones that bring it know, from small towns, prettiest face in town, and decided they wanted to be famous...but, couldn't believe how many nationalities were actually in L.A.

So, as a lesson to those out there....if you aren't meaning harm....most ethnic people know who they are, and what color their skin if you're saying "I was at a Mexican Restaurant, and this.....Mexican Guy....brought me my food." He knows he's Mexican, Italians know their Italian, and Black people know they're Black.....but, if you're a racist....keep it to yourself...we've got enough problems to deal with, without you bringing your ignorance to the table.

Enough......I'm out.

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease,
