Saturday, February 27, 2010

Frank was first...

...then came me.

So, I wrote this poem....

Alright, I know I'm a huge geek for being so obsessed with Sinatra...but, I guess there is worse things to be obsessed with. Anyhow, I wrote this poem awhile back....well, couple of years I, I'd like to share this with the few friends that I have that do actually read my blogs, because I kind of feel it works on the level of myself and whom I wrote it for:

Ode to Frank
by Johnny Mangano

With a clink of the ice,
With a splash of the whisky,
A man with a Fedora,
Whom is as calm as he is frisky.

"I like to drink it not skate on it."
He says to the barkeep,
Noticing his glass is filled to the brim,
With more than an ice heap.

"Cent'anni!" come the salud,
With reverence and feeling,
Having every eye on him,
With a presence that's stealing.

The trust, the honesty,
A feeling so grand,
That a man can hold your attention,
In the palm of his hand.

Respect and appreciation is all this man asks,
For all he has given,
For all of his tasks.
So here is the respect you so much deserve,
I'll say it with clarity,
My words cannot swerve.

A man is a legend....
And we all must thank,
The Chairman of the Board,
"We all miss you Frank!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The plains before the mountain....., today I have decided to write more about a - lesson in life - than a rant on how idiotic most people are in it.

I learned a long time ago that we humans are always 'waiting' for something. Success, a trip, a holiday, marriage, love...what have you. We are perpetually waiting for something. Which, in turn, makes us keep our thoughts on something that we haven't attained yet, and not on the things that surround us. This causes many problems. If you're waiting on success, and haven't achieved what you consider success, (you may never achieve it), then you are not currently happy with your situation. You look to that success as "The moment I'll be happy.". It could be a raise at work, a promotion, a dream job, or finding yourself a sugar momma/daddy. But, success is relative, and therefore should be thought about as such.

The same goes for love/marriage. "I wish I could find someone to be my half." Well, you probably will, but you will be more likely to find that person if you shake that thought from your head and concentrate on what you have...versus your have-nots. Do you have friends that love you? Do you have family that loves you? Well, realize that love exists around you, and eat it up...make the best you that there is to make...and then realize that during that creation, Mr. or Ms. Right may very well stroll into your life.

Imagine if you will, you're walking down a sidewalk. You put one foot in front of the other, and you're heading to a deli about 3 blocks down. You have an end goal, and you're in motion and in progress. Yet, if you decide to concentrate ONLY on the deli, you're going to forget to walk, want to skip steps, jump curbs, or whatever, and completely forget about walking. The problem with this is, if you jump, skip, run or whatever other idea you have, you have the possibility of falling and hurting yourself. Losing time, energy, and focus.

It's best to walk. Look around, enjoy the buildings, the air, the world around you, because then when you get to that deli, that pastrami sandwich will taste that much better.

Here's the deal people. Life has a handful of BIG adventures that we put too much weight in. But, it's FULL of small adventures that define our true happiness, and whom we truly turn out to be in the end. Yes, the mountains are fun to look forward to, but they are not the major part of our life. The plains are. And, if you're in a plain now, enjoy it, because you'll need plenty of energy and determination to climb that mountain once you get to it.

Because, even sometimes, when you glorify something, once you get it, it doesn't turn out to be exactly as you had imagined it, and it'll let you down, and THEN you start to look at another mountain. "Maybe THAT is my ideal mountain?!"

Yet, there's a whole world between you and that next adventure.

If you ask me, any day that has a cigar, martini, or a scotch in it is perfection. I have many tiny mountains in my life, (you may call them hills), but I am happy from day-to-day because I'm not constantly looking for that NEXT BIG MOUNTAIN. I find contentment in my little adventure I call a final thought.

"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."

Enjoy what you have people.

Not what you have not.

Because if you concentrate on the 'have not''ll only get bigger...because what you 'have' will slowly slip away.

Inspiringly Yours,

Monday, February 22, 2010

I paint my pictures with fuck....

...and shit...and motherfucker...

Hello Universe, it's me, Asshole. I'm here to tell you a story about weak people that are either afraid to offend, or wanting to 'feel' powerful and try to change others.

This includes, but is not limited to, the people that use the words effin, darn, shoot, and heck. No adult should, (unless there are respectable people about in a social environment, and/or children about), ever be heard uttering these words.

"Why?" you may ask? Well, I'll tell you why.

For 2 reasons really. These words still imply their more ferocious cousin is the real word for the situation. "That movie was effin amazing!!" 1) Everyone knows what word you are replacing, and are now translating said word in their head to the word "Fuck." and are now THINKING you said "That movie was FUCKING amazing!" and therefore you should have used the REAL word in the first place and 2) Explicit words are there for a reason, and should be used to....wait for it...


You see, I am a gentleman, but I am also a full grown man, and well capable of using the English Vocabulary as I see fit. I restrain from profanity around children, and social situations where it does not deem fit. BUT!, I am a full blown believer in using as colorful words as possible, as often as possible to paint the most vibrant sentence I can when the time calls for it.

This brings me back to the pussies I spoke of earlier. "Don't use foul language. It's a sin. God would look down on that."

Welllllll....asshole....first things first...GOD doesn't exist, and therefore I don't fear your imaginary friend that thinks I'm a "Bad Boy". Second, nowhere in the Bible does it state that any person cannot use profane language. Mostly, guess what, because if God created language, he also created the bad words, and not using something that God created...would probably piss him off, but even more so, that the BIBLE WASN'T WRITTEN IN ENGLISH!!! It was translated into English through years upon years of translating it from other languages.

So, me saying "FUCK YOU!!!" isn't a strike against your God, because our language wasn't even around when that Bible was written. Jesus himself could stand in front of me, with his dark skin and his Jewfro and I could yell "LET'S GET FUCKED UP MOTHERFUCKER!!!" and he would stare at me blankly, because HE DIDN'T SPEAK ENGLISH!!! So, you Bible Knocky fucktards....leave me alone.

To cap it all off, I'm just going to say that we as adults (as I've stated on numerous occasions) are an immature lot. Our grandparents cursed like sailors, and drank like fish. Yet, our pussified, immature society has taken a turn for the weak, and lame. "I don't want to offend anyone on Facebook." Well, fucko, if you're a person that curses on a daily basis, and you stop doing so to Update Your Status, then you're a putz. You shouldn't have people on that thing that don't love you for your personality (vocabulary included), and therefore you should start clicking REMOVE FRIEND quite often. And for all of you adults that are using "OMG!!" and "LMFAO" and to the lamer extent...."LMDAO" (oh yeah, for the ones that are even too big of a puss to put an F in there for FUCKING!)...Grow up. You're in your 30's and no one is going to mistake you for a 16 year old because you are using TEXT LINGO on Facebook. If you have a full QWERTY keyboard in front of you, and you are using idiotic abbreviations, then you are too damn stupid to be on the internet to begin with.

Bring back the strong men from World War II that would exclaim "Honey, I need a fucking beer." when they would return home from a long day at work. The same men that told you those were "Grownup words, and you can't use them until you're an adult." and you would sneak a "DAMN!" in with your friends, when you knew no adult was around to hear you. Trying them on for size. Until you were old enough for that first scotch/beer with your pops and he told you that you could use these words freely. At first you overuse them, but then you slide into a groove. You know what words belong where, and you know that with overuse you sound vulgar, but with the proper use you sound strong willed, confident, and rebellious.

I'll be damned if a CEO of a company came up to me and said "OH EM GEE!!(omg) I just saw this HAWT honey in the bathroom. BEE ARE BEE!!! (brb)" I would kill myself right then and there as I thought to myself "This company is going in the toilet."

Look people, if the world of vocabulary were a painting, why would you only use primary colors? Weren't we all jealous of the kid in class with the HUGE box of Crayola's that had all the 'inbetween' colors? Ours were the basics, and we all knew that "Sky Blue" was much cooler than "Blue".

So, be confident, be free....when you're pissed....yell "FUCK!!!!" and you'll feel much better than yelling "EFF!!!!!" Moron.

In summation, I say that men and women go back to basics on a lot of things. Let's take back our language, and destroy this new one that children are using, (and some adults that are afraid to grow up). Grow a backbone, and don't be so afraid to step on toes. Because, take my word for it, the only people's toes that you're stepping on, are weak minded, childish, and insignificant people that should have thicker skin.

Simon Pegg said it best in Sean of the Dead:


Indeed Sean....get fucked indeed.

-Knuckles Fucking Mangano

[UPDATE] This is courtesy of It really hits on the subject of idiocy, and belongs in MANY of my blogs, but it will be here, as reference, or as a laughing...pointing...finger when you need it:

(direct link:

Learn to FUCKING spell!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My ship...

I am the Captain of my own ship. In this ship I carry all of those people that are within my Life. My family, my friends, casual acquaintances and those in between. Some are above deck, some are below. Some help paddle my boat, and others are trying to drill holes in the bottom without me knowing. On occasion I am the only one paddling, but on occasion I thoughtlessly hand someone a drill. The problem with this, is the holes that sink my boat aren't easily patched, and that this now leaky ship is slowly sinking and I'm carrying all those I care about with me. So, being that I don't want to bring them down with me, I patch, and I patch, and I patch. The problem with all of this patching is that I don't have time to paddle anymore. So, here I sit, adrift at sea, patching holes in a ship that I call my own. I will figure out how to get these holes all patched. I will stop giving the power to drill those holes to those that are drilling them. And, most of all, I will stop drilling some of those holes myself. I will find only those that want to paddle. I will find those that are willing to help raise my sails, and I will progress, and eventually find land. Until then, I am gathering up drills, I have a bag full of patches and I am a determined man.

There are positions to be held on my ship that still remain open. I need people to help me patch, and people to help me paddle. I need people to help me steer, and people to help me navigate. I don't want to guide my ship through this endless sea alone, and I hope....and I pray....that I find a crew willing to go this distance with me.


P.S. Also, if someone could point me in the direction of Mermaid Island....thanks.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's a Writer's Life for me....

...You know, I'm going to take a few paragraphs for myself today. It's a bit of a rule with myself that I avoid speaking about my personal life, or about things that are only related to me, and not to the world at large, but I'm going to touch for a moment on something that I find to be a passion of mine.


As a photographer clicks the shutter, a pianist tinkles the ebony and ivory keys, and as a painter swipes each brush stroke, their art comes to life. It breathes, it hums with energy, and it creates a burning desire to do more and more, and that same feeling comes across with writers. With each word that is typed, written or thought, a symphony begins to play inside our heads that makes us want to put what's rattling around in our coconut out in the world for all to read.

Sadly, everyone feels that they are adept at writing now. Just like everyone with a cell phone camera feels like they are a photographer, or everyone with autotune feels they can write a hit song. The blogoshpere is flooded with mundane, illegible bullshit that can only be described as drivel.

Morons write about their cat. Whiners write about who has wronged them in life, and why they aren't pushing further and beyond. Idiots (the majority) write about everything that just means nothing.

I personally feel that a world in which "status updates" and "tweets" limits your intelligence to 140 characters or less, is a world that is killing the idea of writing.

Most people I know don't read books, because it takes too long to get into, it's so boring, or they "don't have the attention span right now". I personally believe it's because of the time commitment. A movie is 2 hours long. The story begins, and ends within that two hours. No long term commitment.

Yet, we writers continue to write. Our books barely get published, our scripts barely read, and our blogs have little traffic if they go over 2 paragraphs. I can practically hear the grumble and groan that comes from friends when they see my blog. "Ohhhhhh....I don't have time for this right now."

Is a painter a painter if no one sees his artwork?

Is a pianist a pianist if no one hears him play?

Sometimes I wonder, "Am I truly a writer, if no one reads my work?"

Intelligence is something we writers pride ourselves on. We can punctuate properly. We can spell words that barely anyone knows exist. We string together sentences that feel like poetry, when all it is, is the news.

Yet, in a world that is constantly on a downward slide down the Intelligence Ramp, we writers are the first to die.

A city in Texas now has no bookstore. I read this, and it nearly broke my heart. The necessity of books depleted to a point that the last bookstore went bankrupt.

But, sadly, as masochistic as it is...we writers keep writing. I have two novels in production as we speak, and with the dying breed of the paperback...I fear they will never be published.

Yet I keep writing.

I stay passionate. I stay strong. I stay fierce.

I am a writer.

Because I write.


Monday, February 8, 2010

You're the yin to my wang....

...Okay, okay, so I know it's the Yin to my Yang. But, this is where I give you the meat of my rant for today. Honestly, today is not so much a rant, as it is a subtle nudge in the ribs of women everywhere to shake them to their senses, and let them realize a good thing when they have it. The following paragraphs will intrigue women and men alike, and will anger those that it hits too close to home for, and inspire those with a little bit of common sense. Let the pissing off......begin:

For the last few years I've witnessed the most amazing vastness of emotions. The full color of the rainbow. My friends are a great group that share with me their pains, sorrows, and emotional roller coasters, and so that helps with my insight. I believe it is because we are at a transitional age. The 30's now are the new 20's which is true. We age slower, and fuckin' hell do we act more immature than our parents did at 30. And, so, where our parents were trying to find life partners at 20, we're trying to find that "certain someone" in our 30's. That someone we can talk to for hours. To hold our hand when we feel alone, and to talk about our favorite book or movie when there's no one else around. As stated, the Yin to our Yang: Definition of Yin-Yang: This Symbol(Yin-Yang) represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. The outer circle represents "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.

While "yin" would be dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting, and weak, "yang" would be bright, active, upward, hot, expanding, and strong. The shape of the yin and yang sections of the symbol, actually gives you a sense of the continual movement of these two energies, yin to yang and yang to yin, causing everything to happen: just as things expand and contract, and temperature changes from hot to cold.
We search the world to find someone that compliments us in areas we are weak in, and we do our best to keep that person, and here comes the shitty part...

I've noticed an overwhelming amount of women that no longer appreciate the amount of effort guys give to show their love. For example: I just spoke with a friend that said; "It's like this man, the day that Sex and the City the movie came out, I went and bought it for her, and then went to buy a bottle of wine for BOTH OF US to drink while we watched it. I don't mind making those kinds of efforts, but not once, EVER has she picked up a Bruce Lee movie, or Die Hard and grabbed a six pack and brought it home to surprise me. It just sucks."

See, women here is where you fuck up. You love the attention. You bathe in the attention. From the time we're dating, into marriage, and until inevitably, there's a bump in the road, and then you start saying..."You don't take me to -fill in the blank- restaurant- anymore." "You don't write me poems anymore." "You don't rub my feet anymore." Well, guess what, we didn't just DECIDE to stop doing these things, and here's where I explain the Good Guy Mentality.

We know you women like talking to your girlfriends about what we do for you. "He cooked me my favorite salmon dish last night, and he got my favorite movie, and he bought a bottle of wine, and it was SO romantic!", because, without a doubt, you like hearing "Ohhh...I wish my man would do things like that for me!"
You see, the Good Guy Mentality is simple. We're in a competition. Not with you, but with OTHER MEN!! We want to be better in bed than any man you've been with. We want to be more romantic than "Steve" or "Bob" and therefore we're CONSTANTLY thinking of new and exciting ways to impress you. This is our way of showing you how much we care/love you. Then.....after years of being the good guy....

It becomes routine. We're on autopilot, and you're used to us cooking you magnificent dinners. Asking YOU what movie you want to watch at the theater, what restaurant you want to go to, and asking what YOU want to do this weekend. Reciprocation comes far and far less, because, let's face it we're always the ones chasing you women, and rarely do you chase us.

With all this in mind, we start realizing that 90% of the game being played is YOUR game, and 10% is ours. So, the special things we do for you, become less special. They're mundane, and almost annoying, and then by the time you've figured out that we're doing them less and less, it's almost a resentment towards you for not being the YIN!!! to our Yang.

Don't get me wrong ladies, we men LOVE to spoil you. (if we love you that is, if we don't care, that's usually when you get flowers and candy...that's how you know...cooked dinner...he likes're not worth the're worth inspire him) But, without you spoiling him to a narrowly equal extent, you will unintentionally start killing even the most passionate of loves.

Money, Power, Fame....they all come and can be eternal. Have you ever met a man or a woman (probably not our parents age or younger, being that love is a dying emotion), but have you met someone that had their spouse pass away and still wear their wedding ring, and you ask them why and their reply is simply "Because, _____ is my wife/husband, and my soulmate and I will never love another the way I loved them."


If you like telling your girlfriends about how amazing your man is, you had better plan on being pretty amazing for your man as well. Otherwise, he'll just complain about you to his friends, and that will not end well. When resentment exists, sex lives crumble, anger is on the brim at all times (even when it shouldn't be present) and nothing seems to shine as much as when TWO people continue to prove their love for one another.

Newton's Law of Motion states that any action has an equal and opposite reaction. And, to me, if you want a relationship to move forward, you have to keep paddling the boat. Because if just one person finish just going in circles.

My advice: Never receive, without making a mental note to give. It doesn't have to be of any more value than 'heartfelt'. But, make love something that our kids' - kids will want to experience. Our grandmothers wanted to "Find a man that will love me forever." and so far, all I see around me are kids wanting to fuck. That's not love.

Keep love alive. Be the Yin to someone's Yang.

Most of all. Suck a dick if he eats your pussy.

Crassly yours,