Friday, January 8, 2010

The Pop-Over....

The Pop-Over…
Okay, now, life has it's little annoyances here and there. We've all got our main bitches about those annoyances, and I'm no different. So, today I am going to voice mine on the "pop-over".

Glorified by Jerry Seinfeld on his show, the pop-over is when someone arrives to your place unannounced. Whether it be for "just a minute", or for "awhile", the pop-over to me is one of the most annoying things in life.

Something I'm sure has been around for ages, although probably not to the extent it is now due to the communal style living in apartment complexes, the annoyance is something I find non-tolerable.

To me, it's like this:
I'm sitting at home playing a video game in my underwear...(one of those days) haven't a care in the world. You're inside your little fortress of solitude and there's nothing that can make you feel more at ease and secure...."Knock! Knock!...*DING DONG*!! Knock! Knock!"....and it's always in that rhythm where they're trying to show you it's a 'friend' and not the UPS man or something. You know? The old Shave and a Haircut rhythm, or something similar. So, now you are pausing your game...either because the disturbance has almost got you killed, or because you really feel like a hermit and don't want to be bothered at all. There you wait, quietly, and annoyed....contemplating checking the peephole, but then the person on the other side will seriously know you're home.
Sooner or of two things will happen...they will ring/knock again, or they will get the hint and leave. Then you have two options...continue your quietness or throw on some pants and ask who it is. I 99% of the time opt for option "A". Normally, after they leave you'll get a call shortly thereafter saying..."Hey man, I stopped by your place and you didn't answer."

"You wanna know why you fucking wank? It's because I was completely comfortable sitting there in my underoos and you didn't call beforehand."

Whatever happened to the common courtesy of the phone call first? "Hey Johnny, I'm in the neighborhood and wanted to see if you were home or if I could stop in for a bit." In this cell phone generation, you really have no excuse of not calling first. And, even then, if I see that you're someone I don't feel like dealing with/talking to, I'll let your ass go to voicemail.

"Why? That's rude!" You may say....

Let me put it to you simply as I can.

When I was a kid, I always wanted to be an adult. Adults were able to do what they wanted, WHEN they wanted. Which meant, if they wanted to go grocery shopping, they went grocery shopping. No need to ask someone else for permission. If your parents said..."Answer the phone." you answered the phone, if they said..."Don't answer that." you didn't answer it.
So, being that I'm an adult in my 30’s, I firmly believe that if I want to answer my damn phone, I will answer it. If I DON'T want to answer it, I won't. Simple as that.
There's nothing worse than someone telling me..."Alright, I'm going to call tomorrow around 3pm. PICK UP!!"........."What?......Did you just tell me what to do?...." Something my own parents haven't even had the right to do in 20 have the audacity to try and do? Give me a break! Now I'm really not answering, just to piss you off. Then, if you waste your time coming to my door to check if I'm home, you're going to be standing outside like the derelict you are....ringing and knocking...getting more upset.

So, unless your ass is on fire, or you're shot in the first! If you call first, and I don't answer your call...don't stop by....because it probably means I don't feel like being bothered.

I'm too old for this shit.

I need a fucking island to hide on.


Respectfully yours,

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