Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Fistful of Funny Fuckers...

You know, it's been a weird few months. A lot of ups and downs. But, I've always been the optimistic type, and I continually manage to pull through the darkness fairly easily, into the light. Where most people give power to the darkness, I fight it head on.
Take today for instance. Today marks the 14th year that one of my two best friends (both oddly named Josh...maybe I'm just lazy and didn't want to learn a new name?), passed away in a car crash. It's very easy to look back at the good times, and then let the waves of negative thoughts wash over you with regret, remorse, and loneliness. But, not this fucker. Nope. I fight for happiness every step of the way. I find a happy thought, like Peter-Fucking-Pan, and I hang onto it until I can fly.
Sometimes I need a little help. This is where I throw in the hydraulics. Last night, it was George Carlin. That man can leave me in stitches every time. The night before, it was Don Rickles. He's the original gangster of comedy in my opinion. But, lately, any time I need a true chuckle. I mean, one of those deep down in the cockles of your heart laughs, I turn to the Comedian Luke Francis he has this bit he does about Church's Chicken that he delivers with just a raw honesty that cracks me up to no end.
Needless to say, stand up comedians are always a good source of levity for me.

I can listen to Joe Rogan's CD over and over and never grow tired of it. But, there's something about European comics and their perspectives on life that just have me falling out of my seat laughing. It really helps to find "your comedian type". I know a lot of people that don't watch stand-up. Mostly, I attribute these types as dull and humorless. For an hour or more, you have your own personal Court Jester that you can see life through new eyes. Laugh at similar scenarios, and just generally escape your mundane routine, in exchange for a journey down Funny Lane.

Well, other than just writing down my thoughts today, there's really nothing more to say. Go out to a comedy club, find someone that says something that tickles your funny bone, and make that person your go-to for a little piece of happiness when you need it most.

Jokingly yours,

P.S. Vote for The Stallion here for me. It'd make my soul happy:

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