Friday, September 11, 2009

It's only humanity after all....

They say that every other living thing would flourish, if only humanity would disappear. The way I see things, all other living things are just biding their time until this happens, and it won't take long.

Not the normal ways that everyone considers. Those are destroying the PLANET, not humanity. I'm not talking about the destruction of humanity, I'm talking about the slow trickle into nothingness that can only be described as "Self-Involved-Human-Nature".

Here's my theory;

Joe Rogan may seem like "The Fear Factor guy!!", but he's got an intelligent head on his shoulders with a vast amount of weight to his thoughts. (even in his standup you could all learn something) Simply put, he has a theory that coincides with mine...We're fucking monkeys people!! (yes, i know, we're apes...but just follow along)

We are here to eat, sleep, procreate and exist alongside other animals in the circle of life. We are supposed to eat other animals, plants, and fuck, and fuck and fuck.

But, here's where we went wrong. We became, as previously stated in a former blog, immature. We're a vain and arrogant race now that no longer cares about the simple things like....oh...I don't know....maintaining our species. We're 'thinking' our way right out of existence.

We're putting off children longer and longer in our lives, even those in loving caring marriages, because we want to travel more, be free to roam the planet, the city, what have you, and frolic like when we were children on the playground.

Women are no longer wanting to have children, because let's face's hard enough fitting into that dress without having to worry about the excess weight you gain after a child. Not only that, but it's rumored (straight from women's mouths mind you) that your facial features change after you've had a baby.

Look, I'm all for a little's a self esteem boost to feel attractive. But, this is just getting ridiculous.

I look at my list of friends on Facebook, and when less than 10% of them have children, and I'm in my mid 30's, we've got a serious problem. Because most will just say after a few years..."Fuck it. I've waited this long, I'll be alright without having kids." And, there we have it....that's just part of the trickle.

Here's the real biter.

Men. Yessireebob....Men. 30 years ago, a man wanted to get married for numerous reasons, but mainly so he could have a healthy lay at least once a week. Oh yeah, it was a simpler time, where you only heard about a friend of a friend, of your brother that had been to Tijuana and saw a woman get fucked by a donkey. A time where only Playboy existed as a means to see a boob outside of a girlfriend. Playboy didn't have the full on view of the naughty bits, so we were forced to have an imagination of "The things I'd do to this girl." Yet.....

The invent of the internet has revolutionized how men perceive sex and relationships. You'd have to date 10 women to find 1 to do the things you wanted. Now....*click*....there she is.

You heard about the donkey show from a friend of a friend of.......*click*....there it is.

You chat at home on the don't go to the bar for the social interaction. You send e-mails back and forth, you have such a separation of 'being' that we get awkward if a girl wants to have ACTUAL sex. The generation after us will almost have no need whatsoever. Toys, gadgets, and machines exist for 'satisfaction', and it all brings a scene from Judge Dredd to mind where Sandra Bullock and Sly are in the room and she gets grossed out thinking about "Bodily fluid transfer".

Face it people...vanity, technology, and the lack of passion in this world is going to do the planet a will rid the world of a virus known as Humanity.

One love,

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