Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Our Glass....

I had a wise person a long time ago tell me that we all have a glass, and this glass is full of water. For each friend we have, for each task at hand, or each complication in life...we have to pour a little water. For friends, you usually pour a little into their glass when theirs is running low, just so that they don't let it get too low. But, the problem with that, is if you have too many friends with low running glasses, then you have to pour into each of their cups, which in turn, leaves you with an almost empty cup. Here's where that poses the issue...

In a world that is becoming more and more self absorbed, we tend to enjoy 'receiving' more than 'giving'. So, say you're feeling down in the dumps, and you ask someone to "Just hang out for an afternoon.", and that person says "Okay, I'll bring over a bottle of booze, and we'll laugh, play games and have fun." The next day you feel amazing, and you thank the stars for that friend that poured your glass full. It makes you feel cared for, and loved, and most of all...important to someone other than yourself. BUT!!...then months down the road you forget about your funk. You're doing well, and that same friend calls and says "Man, I'm lower than whale shit. You wanna hang out or something?", and you hesitate. "Can I get out of this in some way? I don't want to make the effort to cheer someone else up. I don't want them to drag me down too if I can't make them happy."

It's a sad thing really. I, myself, am that person that everyone calls. I'm happy by default, and have an amazing ability to blow off the annoyances of life, and focus on the positive. My only downfall with that, is I have a tendency to shove the things that DO bother me, deep down inside so that I 'feel' like I have nothing bothering me.

Now, here we have our analogy...my glass is full, and I run to friends in need of a pick-me-up and I put on a little song and dance and fill their glass to the brim. We laugh, we joke, we have fun. Then as time rolls around, and all that repression of negativity (usually twice a year) creeps up on me, there is no one to be found to fill my glass. They're busy. It's just not a good time. I've heard them all.

My glass is empty. No matter how much I hold it in the air, wave it in peoples face, no one seems to notice. So, it is up to me to find a well. No longer am I looking for other people to pour their water into my glass. I want my own private tap that I can run back to get water from whenever I want....so I can pour, pour, pour until I can pour-no-more.

We as a society continue to separate ourselves more and more from a 'pack mentality'. Rarely do I find people with a friend they've had more than 5 years. I've had my bestfriend for 17...and counting. My glass is never bone dry nowadays thanks to him, and maybe one or two other people. But, the old saying of "It takes a village to raise a child." is no longer a way of thinking in our society. No longer are people looking to 'be there' for others. It saddens me really. The death of love. The death of friendship. The death of family.

Because, with the invent of Social Networking, you ask a friend "Why haven't I heard from you lately?" and they reply..."Whatever! I commented on a post on Facebook the other day!"


Oh, and as a last point....I hate how this town makes you try and be someone you're not. Everyone is in a pissing contest, and if you get caught up in it...you feel like you don't piss far enough....I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to join in....my piss goes as far as it goes....and it can go no further. Like it, or lump it.

Okay, I'm off to IKEA to get a bigger glass, and I'm going to keep a shot glass beside it. Not for water.....for booze. Because, when my glass gets low....I'm gonna need it.

One love,

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