Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The plains before the mountain....., today I have decided to write more about a - lesson in life - than a rant on how idiotic most people are in it.

I learned a long time ago that we humans are always 'waiting' for something. Success, a trip, a holiday, marriage, love...what have you. We are perpetually waiting for something. Which, in turn, makes us keep our thoughts on something that we haven't attained yet, and not on the things that surround us. This causes many problems. If you're waiting on success, and haven't achieved what you consider success, (you may never achieve it), then you are not currently happy with your situation. You look to that success as "The moment I'll be happy.". It could be a raise at work, a promotion, a dream job, or finding yourself a sugar momma/daddy. But, success is relative, and therefore should be thought about as such.

The same goes for love/marriage. "I wish I could find someone to be my half." Well, you probably will, but you will be more likely to find that person if you shake that thought from your head and concentrate on what you have...versus your have-nots. Do you have friends that love you? Do you have family that loves you? Well, realize that love exists around you, and eat it up...make the best you that there is to make...and then realize that during that creation, Mr. or Ms. Right may very well stroll into your life.

Imagine if you will, you're walking down a sidewalk. You put one foot in front of the other, and you're heading to a deli about 3 blocks down. You have an end goal, and you're in motion and in progress. Yet, if you decide to concentrate ONLY on the deli, you're going to forget to walk, want to skip steps, jump curbs, or whatever, and completely forget about walking. The problem with this is, if you jump, skip, run or whatever other idea you have, you have the possibility of falling and hurting yourself. Losing time, energy, and focus.

It's best to walk. Look around, enjoy the buildings, the air, the world around you, because then when you get to that deli, that pastrami sandwich will taste that much better.

Here's the deal people. Life has a handful of BIG adventures that we put too much weight in. But, it's FULL of small adventures that define our true happiness, and whom we truly turn out to be in the end. Yes, the mountains are fun to look forward to, but they are not the major part of our life. The plains are. And, if you're in a plain now, enjoy it, because you'll need plenty of energy and determination to climb that mountain once you get to it.

Because, even sometimes, when you glorify something, once you get it, it doesn't turn out to be exactly as you had imagined it, and it'll let you down, and THEN you start to look at another mountain. "Maybe THAT is my ideal mountain?!"

Yet, there's a whole world between you and that next adventure.

If you ask me, any day that has a cigar, martini, or a scotch in it is perfection. I have many tiny mountains in my life, (you may call them hills), but I am happy from day-to-day because I'm not constantly looking for that NEXT BIG MOUNTAIN. I find contentment in my little adventure I call a final thought.

"It's not about the destination, it's about the journey."

Enjoy what you have people.

Not what you have not.

Because if you concentrate on the 'have not''ll only get bigger...because what you 'have' will slowly slip away.

Inspiringly Yours,

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